E-commerce Tools For Any Business | Prescott, AZ

Let’s start with the basics – an e-commerce website is one that allows the purchase and sale of goods, without needing a brick-and-mortar shop. Ebay is a great example of an e-commerce business and set the tone for how online shopping can be a quick, easy, and accessible option for consumers. Here are a few e-commerce tools any business can employ.

User Reviews. To go along with informative product descriptions, it never hurts to have positive reviews for the products you offer. If you are set up on websites like Etsy or have Google Reviews, including them along with each product is a great way to boost confidence for your customers.

Mobile Accessibility. If you do decide to transition to an e-commerce site, make sure its mobile compatible. Those little computers in our pockets are powerful tools where with a single tap we can entice consumers to make a purchase. Make sure your customers can access you from wherever they are, so you can get paid wherever you are.

Payment Options. The financial world is evolving right along with the rest of modern technology. Beyond traditional credit card payment, services like Venmo and PayPal have become increasingly mainstream methods of valid payment to businesses. Brick-and-mortar shops have begun accepting Venmo payments, so it may be an option for your e-commerce site as well.

Product Information. Admittedly, its more difficult for consumers to decide when they can’t have the tactile experience of an item. If you transition to an e-commerce site, its worth the effort or expertise of a writer to help create an immersive description of each item you offer. The more a consumer can understand about a given product, the more likely they are to purchase and be happy with their item.

Customer Profiles. Some of us would rather checkout as a guest for each purchase, but for repeat customers or businesses, having access to their order history, preferences or score deals for loyalty are big perks. It could make the difference in what kinds of customers, and thus sales, you attract.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!

Here’s How To Avoid Infinite Scrolling On your Website | Prescott, AZ

Infinite scrolling has become an increasingly popular trend in web design. The design of infinite scrolling is as simple as it sounds, it displays your content and allows your viewers to keep scrolling without having to stop. But this website design isn’t for every website.

Like any trend, infinite scrolling had its pros and cons. But that all depends on the type and goals of your website. Infinite scrolling is a type of web interaction technique that continuously loads content as your visitor scrolls though your site rather than having to click on links. Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are the best examples of infinite scrolling. However, many other sites have taken notice to this trend and implemented the design into their sites as well. Here are the upsides:

Great for touch screens. Today most mobile devices are made with touch technology and it’s can be difficult to tap those tiny page links, which is why infinite scrolling solves this problem.

The visuals. One of the best ways to display high quality images and image content is by implementing infinite scrolling into your web design, similar to Pinterest and Flickr.

Simple browsing. Infinite pages are typically faster than regular webpages, eliminating the need for clicking on links and reloading new pages every time.

Keeps users engaged. Infinite scrolling tends to trigger automatic responses based on curiosity and ease which keeps the users engaged while waiting for new content to load.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!

User-Friendly Websites For Your Business | Prescott, AZ

When designing your website, you need to ensure that you are making it user-friendly for your future customers. After all, they are the ones that will be using your website to find information, products and services – making things overwhelming or confusing isn’t going to do a service to anyone. You want to make a good first impression and your website is their first introduction. Provide your visitor with a seamless and user-friendly experience if you want them to think about returning to your website by considering the following tips:

Welcome your visitors. When a visitor lands on your homepage they are usually in search of product, seeking information or looking for some sort of assistance. Your homepage must be able to clearly identify who you are and what you do to assure your visitors they are on the right webpage.

Provide value. Point out why your company is different and unique from your competitors, while making it simple to read and understand. Try incorporating original and credible content such as testimonials from happy customers or clients.

Streamlined design. You may think that if your page is full of flashy photos, video or music it will attract more visitors, but the fact is this sort of content actually drives most visitors away. Utilize white space, colors and fonts appropriately.

Simple navigation. Making your website easy to navigate is key, no one likes to get lost or confused looking for information. Make sure your navigation bar is visible and easy to locate so your visitors are able to explore your page with ease.

Content changes. When a website remains the same, visitors will have no reason to return. Schedule periodic updates to create new content.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!

How To Get Your Website Noticed | Prescott, AZ

It takes time to build an audience, and it also takes certain knowledge to accomplish the goal of driving traffic to your website in the first place. Here are the things to consider incorporating into your business strategy to get your website noticed.

Content Marketing- Content is key. One of the very best ways to get your website noticed is by getting your content seen by as many people as possible. Meaning that you should try to get on as many websites as possible. You want this content to drive visitors to your website, so be sure that the articles or blogs you produce are high-quality.

Social Media- You can use social media to help promote your website and get your business noticed. Social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are an ideal way to publicize your website or blogs. You can start by making business profiles on the largest social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, to help get your business noticed. It’s important that you stay consistent with posts or tweets and encourage sharing to help generate traffic to your website.

Professional Look- Incorporating flashy photos, background music and walls of text isn’t going to drive visitors to your website. As a matter of fact, it will do the exact opposite. It’s been said that it only takes 8 seconds for visitors to judge a website, so don’t waste your time trying to go all out. Simplicity is key, so be sure to take the time to make sure your website is visually pleasing and organized.

Partner Up- Find someone to partner up with that has similar content and exchange links. It’s essentially a cross-promotion. You can also design an eye-catching banner to place on your partner’s site, and in return, you can do the same for them. You can also produce a free WordPress page and include a link back to your website in the footer.

Start Blogging- It’s no mystery that search engines love fresh content. If you’re not updating your website regularly, the search engine crawlers won’t visit it very often. Unless you can update your website every day or every few days, the easiest way to produce fresh content is to start blogging or have a “news” page. You can use this to talk about your latest projects or to provide tips, among much more. Write about things that will attract your target audience.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!

Debunking Common Marketing Myths | Prescott, AZ

Several online marketing myths and misconceptions, while persuasive, can lead well-meaning owners or startup businesses astray. There may even be some vendors or services that market online marketing myths and target those that don’t know any better. So if you’ve come looking for online marketing myths to bust, you come to the right place. The following list includes three common online marketing myths:

Myth #1: People will buy your product just because it’s cheaper than your competitor. Just because your prices for your product or services are lesser in price does not mean that it will result in word-of-mouth, purchases or market share. People need to know you exist before any of that happens. Excepting orders to roll in because just because your product is lesser in rice than your largest competitor is silly. You must create awareness using online marketing practices such as SEO, creating a social platform, etc.

Myth #2: I must get as many visitors to my website as possible. Yeah, getting traffic is great and all, but it doesn’t always provide the results you may be expecting. There’s a big difference between getting traffic and getting the right type of traffic. To get gain the right kind of traffic you must focus on a specific target group and niche, this is a great way to provide your company with a larger number of leads. When sales are low, a few clicks on your page is not going to solve the problem.

Myth #3: When my website is finished, my work will be done. Sure you may have developed a beautiful website with all of the latest web design trends, but that doesn’t mean that your work is over with. In fact, it’s quite the opposite because this is when the real work comes into play. You must stay on top of your business by consistently creating and promoting great content and coming up with new ways to engage with your followers or target audience. Again, this is where you must think outside of the box and use other sources such as social media platforms, blogging, etc.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!

Jelly Websites Optimizes Your Online Presence | Prescott, AZ

You have started your business plan and are ready to open the doors. Now you need to figure out the best way to advertise yourself, meaning it’s time to optimize your online presence. Companies like Square Space and Wix seem like a quick and easy way to get the job done with the least amount of cost. But, are you really giving your business everything it needs to start off on the right foot? Before you choose that option, take a look at what having a Jelly website can provide…

Custom design. We don’t give you templates to choose from; we tailor your site to your needs and personalize it to reflect who you are.

Current technology. We pride ourselves on staying up-to-date on all of the hottest social media and Photoshop techniques. You can rest assured that you and your website are getting the latest and greatest of technology.

Powerful call-to-action. We are here to answer all your questions, work with you on any issues that might pop up, and re-design your website as you see fit.

Quick turnaround. We understand a great website is very lucrative to your overall success, so we can have your website up and going quickly.

You’re the owner. Unlike other template website design companies, your website is your own.

Jelly is not like any other website design company. We insist on giving you our full, undivided attention to make your wants and concepts a reality. Don’t wait any longer, start getting seen on top search engines today.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!

Business Websites Increase Your Sales | Prescott, AZ

It seems we can’t get away from the idea of starting a business without a business website. Not only can you streamline your sales, but you can also drive new clients to your business products and/or services. But if you don’t have a website that is working for you, you are merely spinning your wheels to the success that could be on the horizon. So, what do you do? Improve your website.

Without a high-quality website that attracts visitors and provides you with a way to capture information, you are not using the internet to its full potential. A high-quality business website provides you with a way to capture the enormous amount of traffic that is on the Internet and makes your business more accessible to your customers by giving website users a way to contact you or find out valuable information about your products or services without having to get on the phone, and during non-business hours.

As a business owner, first benefit of a business website is providing you with access to customers that you otherwise might not have contact with. By enlisting the help of an internet marketing service company, you can create a highly effective direct response website that enables you to reach out to internet traffic and increase your earning potential by at least 20% yearly. An opt-in form provides a means of capturing visitors' contact information to allow you to send current and potential customers information about promotions, important updates, and special sales events throughout the year.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!

How To Build A Customer Base Online | Prescott, AZ

Now that you are ready to build a website for your business, it is important to remember that building your customer base matters too.  After all, the goal is to become successful, and it takes more than just an online presence. Incorporating the following tips will be sure to drive traffic to your site and success to your business:

Search engine optimization. Most web traffic comes from search engines, so your website must be optimized with certain keywords in order to make it on the top of search engines. Keep these words on par with your target audience, this way you can be found easily when they search.

Social media. Everywhere you look, you find a Facebook link or an Instagram page to follow. Yes, if you plan on expanding your customer base, you need to create social media accounts so your customers can find you. If people enjoy your content on social media, they will be likely to share, instantly expanding your customer base with a single post.

Keep it clean. When designing your website, it is important to remember that less is more. Putting too many fancy fonts or graphics are likely going to dissuade your customer’s from staying on your page. Keep things simple and easy to navigate.

Blogging. An easy way to create fresh content for your website is to have a blog. The content you add in a blog is also very useful for SEO, a search engine will see this content and use it in search engine results. Make them about various aspects of your business so your customers will continue to come back for advice and tips.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!

What To Know About Landing Pages | Prescott, AZ

We all know what a landing page is. It leads a visitor to the features within your website and your business. The more interactive they are, the longer a potential client will stay. However, if you have too much going on, it can clutter up your page and drive those potential clients away. Nonetheless, a landing page is intricate to your website.

Another great way to utilize your landing page is for self-promotion. Say your company has a new product or service they’re promoting, a great way to promote is with a landing page crafted around that one particular service or product. Here are a few other reasons your company needs a landing page:

Email list expansion. In order for you to expand your email listings, your landing page should feature a call to action, or a form your visitors fill out with personal information to receive a free offer or additional information. Not only can you promote new products and sales, but you can even create more personalized communication with your client base.

More potential leads. Generating leads is what makes your online marketing efforts worthwhile. A clean, functioning landing page with a simple call to action can help connect you to a whole new demographic of customers you never knew you had. This can help tailor your marketing campaigns.

Search campaigns. Do you know the offers that come up when you search for something? Incorporating this type of search engine marketing with your landing page can drive instant traffic to your page. Search campaigns make sure you are gathering leads from visitors that are interested in your actual offer.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!

Tips For Effective Social Media Marketing | Prescott, AZ

Social Media Marketing is the new frontier of your business’ online presence. Promoting your business through engaging content on social media can take your enterprise to the next level. From YouTube to Instagram and even TikTok, there are so many free platforms to support and grow your business from anywhere!

We can appreciate how it may be difficult to understand how platforms such as Instagram or Twitter may be an appropriate way to expand your reach, but here are a few ways utilizing media platforms may enhance your exposure online. If there is a topic, people on the internet searching for it – so why not have your business on social media? Here are some things to consider:

Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the name of the online game. The more you embed online content with keywords and tags, the easier it becomes to find on the web. The easier it is to find your business, the higher your page rank becomes on major search engines, which could result in more sales for your business.

Original, Engaging Content. Social media users engage with the brands and people online with whom they feel a connection to. When your business consistently posts interesting content, it gives social media users a chance to interact with your brand.

When you work with the social media team at Jelly Websites, we understand what content is appropriate to represent your brand online and utilize the latest strategies in Search Engine Optimization to expand your reach. We guarantee the use of original licensed content and offer different packages so you can give it a try without breaking your budget!

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!