Increase your Sales with an Ecommerce Website | Prescott, AZ

Ecommerce refers to the sale of physical goods online but can also refer to any commercial transaction that is facilitated through the internet. From mittens to hand crafted dog treats, an ecommerce website should be considered by any business owner seeking to expand their reach.

A business e-commerce website can be a highly effective way to tap into internet traffic and may increase your earning potential by 20% annually. A website will allow your products or services to expand beyond your locality and within the reach of millions of potential clients. An e-commerce centric website will allow you to streamline and track sales in real time and allow you to better understand your demographic. By advertising and expanding reachability through an online storefront, you also gain information on how to improve from the consumer’s point of view.

Additional benefits include low start up and operation costs, remote access to run your business and scale-ability.

Operation Costs. An ecommerce website, once established, will quickly become an easy budgeting item. Typically, packaging and fees are the only recurring cost associated with an ecommerce operation. Things such as shipping, percentage taken by any host websites (like Etsy or Poshmark) and packaging quickly become recurring budget items.

Remote Access. Who wouldn’t like to manage their enterprise on the beach? Working remotely is the new craze and an ecommerce website could certainly help get you there.

Scale-ability. Once the hard work of importing inventory, writing descriptions and developing a marketing strategy are through your business will be ready to grow. Growing it will go from having been an intense initiation to the casual update as the natural evolution of your success continues.

Click here to learn more about how a marketing service company can take your shop from local to global.

For more information on ecommerce business websitescontact Jelly Websites in Prescott, AZ at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at

Adding a Landing Page to your Marketing Mix | Prescott, AZ

On the surface, a landing page doesn’t seem like a marketing tool, however it can be a great way to promote yourself. Landing pages target audiences and points them to the product or service you are promoting. Targeted content also means that your landing page will stand out from your website; something your readers will remember.

Have you grown your online presence lately? A winning marketing strategy is one that diversifies the ways it attains and retains viewership. A landing page can provide multiple opportunities for growing your business such as a call to action, lead generation and search campaigns.

Call to Action. Including a call to action (to visit during happy hour for example), or a form your visitor can fill out to receive updates are two ways to expand your reach. These can begin generating or growing an email list of clients interested in the latest of what you have to offer.

Lead Generation. This is the process of turning a stranger into a fan of your enterprise. A landing page can add that extra touch that converts that person into your newest client. Additionally, a broader reach will allow you to begin analyzing trends among your customers, allowing you to better tailor your marketing over time.

Search Campaigns. Search campaigns target those seeking like content to your promotion when they search on the internet. They can be incorporated into a landing page literally pulling potential customers to you, for you. Something to consider when creating a landing page is how interactive it is. The more interactive, the longer a potential client may view it. But if it has too much going on, it can clutter the page and actually drive away a client. Nevertheless, landing pages are easy to get right and can be a great addition to any marketing strategy.

If you’d like to find out more about landing pages, contact Jelly Websites in Prescott, AZ at (951) 371-9327 or visit us online at for additional information.