When we start a business, one of the most important items to decide about is a company name. Not only is it going to represent you, but it needs to be something that will represent your business for as long as is in existence. It’s a big deal! And when you go to design your website, a domain name is just as important. One false move and you have a really awkward or impossible website to remember. Don’t worry – here are some tips to choosing the perfect domain name for your business:
We all want to have our domain name be the name of our business, but there are times that it could be taken. If this is the case, you may need to rethink your brand. One of the biggest errors people make is naming their business something very similar to someone else’s, making it very difficult for potential clients to distinguish who you are. Instead, brainstorm keywords for your business and what you’d like to focus on with your website. Be creative and catchy – the more individual you can become, the easier it will be to catch the eye of your future clients.
Once you have found something you think is perfect, type it into a URL address bar. If it has an error message, you’re in luck! It seems that no one has it and it is possible it is available to purchase.
The point of a unique domain name is that it is easy to remember, especially if they don’t need to write it down. Don’t over-complicate things.
If you’d like to find out more about domain names, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at (951) 371-9327 or visit www.jellywebsites.com for additional information.
Jelly Websites proudly serves Corona and all surrounding areas.