Responsive Web Design

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Many of us may interact with responsive websites every day and never realize what is happening under the surface. So, what is responsive web design? Essentially, a responsive website will automatically present to the user’s screen size, platform and orientation; it will adjust itself to enhance user experience.

This type of experience means there has been code embedded into the website that allows it to understand the dimensions of the individual screens it is being viewed on.

It may seem that this detail in your site’s presentation is too minute to consider, or that the effort will go unnoticed. In fact, it will go unnoticed, but that is kind of the point; that your consumers are presented with a perfectly fitted website every time they view it. Consider the user experience as value added to your business; you would rather have customers not notice your website is functioning in their benefit than receiving calls that it’s not.

If you’d like to find out more about building a website, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at (951) 371-9327 or visit for additional information.