One popular way to get out some creative energy is to write a blog. Not only will it enhance your website’s content and drive traffic, but it can also generate more business your way. But there are some basic tips to keep in mind when getting started. After all, you want your blog to be read – why not make it the best it can be?
Find your focus. Ask yourself this question: Who do I want to target? Once that's settled, you can home in on a niche category and be the expert on it. People want to know that they are getting help from someone they can trust.
Be relatable, be yourself. What will set you apart from others is going to be your voice. Let them know what you’re about. Let them know that you can be trusted, and your voice will be that exact way to showcase that.
Use links within your posts. Linking sites within your blog is a great way to increase your search engine rankings, but it can also enhance your reader’ experience.
Include images. Not all posts will lend themselves to an image, but when they do, take advantage of it. There are plenty of ways to visually enhance each blog to keep the reader’s attention.
Respond to blog comments. A great way to connect directly with the people who are reading your work. Answer their questions and thank them for reading.
Post to all social media platforms. Don't be afraid to use social media to publicize your posts. Anything that makes it easier for potential readers to find your blog is a must. It may seem silly, but friends and family will love to support all your hard work!
If you’d like to find out more about writing a blog, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at (951) 371-9327 or visit www.jellywebsites.com for additional information.
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