The Perks of Online Marketing

Online marketing has expanded at a rapid pace; once social networking entered the mainstream (and diversified to fill every niche) it has become a no-brainer for the modern entrepreneur. If your company has yet to step into the world of online marketing, here are some reasons why it may to time to start!

It’s Affordable – What business owner or young entrepreneur doesn’t want to save a dollar? When a business owner transitions some of their (or an associate’s) time into outreach on platforms such as Instagram or any other media, they stand only to gain. Most of these platforms and marketing tools are either free or worth the small investment because it generates interest and is easily scalable (sometimes by the fans, which means the effort multiplies on its own!)

SEO – Think of SEO as the stuff that gets your business to the front page of Google. The more your business is putting out marketing content, it contributes to the number of views, and dollars earned, for your business. This can be in the form of blogs loaded with keywords, social media posts and even e-blasts. Each of these tried and true means of online marketing will ramp up your SEO.

Transmediation – This fancy word in the modern journalism world simply means that each of your platforms connect to the other. Lets say you put out a monthly email to your loyal fans and at the bottom is a link to the business Instagram. A viewer clicks to see what is on offer there and sees under the username your business URL; this is transmediation. All roads create intrigue and lead back to the different things your business has to offer. Online marketing for any business is rarely a one-platform operation, so linking them to one another serves the interest of your business by retaining engagement.

It is a worthwhile investment of your time to discover which platforms suit your business because it will increase exposure, generate interest and ultimately take your enterprise to that next level of success at little to no cost to you.

If you’d like to find out more about building a website, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at (951) 371-9327 or visit for additional information.