Debunking Common Marketing Myths | Prescott, AZ

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Several online marketing myths and misconceptions, while persuasive, can lead well-meaning owners or startup businesses astray. There may even be some vendors or services that market online marketing myths and target those that don’t know any better. So if you’ve come looking for online marketing myths to bust, you come to the right place. The following list includes three common online marketing myths:

Myth #1: People will buy your product just because it’s cheaper than your competitor. Just because your prices for your product or services are lesser in price does not mean that it will result in word-of-mouth, purchases or market share. People need to know you exist before any of that happens. Excepting orders to roll in because just because your product is lesser in rice than your largest competitor is silly. You must create awareness using online marketing practices such as SEO, creating a social platform, etc.

Myth #2: I must get as many visitors to my website as possible. Yeah, getting traffic is great and all, but it doesn’t always provide the results you may be expecting. There’s a big difference between getting traffic and getting the right type of traffic. To get gain the right kind of traffic you must focus on a specific target group and niche, this is a great way to provide your company with a larger number of leads. When sales are low, a few clicks on your page is not going to solve the problem.

Myth #3: When my website is finished, my work will be done. Sure you may have developed a beautiful website with all of the latest web design trends, but that doesn’t mean that your work is over with. In fact, it’s quite the opposite because this is when the real work comes into play. You must stay on top of your business by consistently creating and promoting great content and coming up with new ways to engage with your followers or target audience. Again, this is where you must think outside of the box and use other sources such as social media platforms, blogging, etc.

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