Designing a Website for Your Audience | Prescott, AZ

Woman is working at workshop

Web design is a creative art constantly intersecting with the latest trends. The trick it designing a website that captures your audience while being mindful of current trends tends. One should not be without the other if you are invested in the longevity of your business. Why? Trends may offer an interesting pop, but if you need to be taken seriously to succeed, you should evaluate the use of tends within your line of business before taking actionable steps.

Here are some things we think are useful when considering how to design a website for your audience:

Audience. First and foremost, consider your audience. If you are unsure, here are a few questions to ask yourself:

What sector does your business fall under (fashion, knitting, finance etc.)?

Who are you trying to attract to your services (parents, teachers, animal lovers)?

Brand Voice. This refers to the way your online and physical presence (website and marketing materials) represent your brand or services.

What is your brand voice (snarky, serious, mindful)?

How does your brand voice align with the message you want to send?

Will your target audience feel compelled to hire you based on this presence?

Services. How you portray the work you offer says a lot about it. Make sure your services are easily accessible and allow your best work to stand out.

What are you selling or offering to your target audience?

Do the ways you present these services online highlight the best of what you offer?

If you were to look from a third person perspective, would you hire you?

When you understand the answers to most of these questions, you can begin to build a website that speaks to your audience while retaining the unique qualities that make your business stand out.

When you work with the designers at Jelly Websites, we help you decode these and other important considerations to ensure your presence attracts the attention you want.

If you are interested in curating or improving your online presence, contact Jelly Websites at 951-371-9327 or visit today!