How To Create An Effective Footer For Your Website | Prescott, AZ

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Although the footer of your website may not be the most eye-catching area of your site, your visitors look for the footer in search of important information. Here are a few things to keep in mind when designing the footer of your website:

Simplicity Gets It Done. When dealing with lots of information, keep it easy for your visitors to find the information they need.

Link It. Two of the most important links on your website are the contact and about us sections. When visitors land on your webpage, direct them to these pages.

Contact information. Besides including “Contact Us” in your footer, add your contact information, including physical address, emails address, and phone number.

Keep It Relevant. Your information should be divided into columns or rows and arranged by relevant important information like contact information, social media, links, etc.

Copy. Including a copyright notice is extremely important to your security and can save you from facing many problems. Include the copyright symbol, the name of the copyright owner, and the year it was created.

Add A Call To Action. Add the extra nudge your visitors need to sign up for newsletters, subscribe to blogs, or to send an email requesting a quote.

Legible & Contrasted. Your footer is typically small in size and much of your info is kept in that small block. Color, brightness, and contrast should also be taken into consideration.

Graphics. Add logos or graphic elements to draw the eye but be careful not to overdo the small space with too many elements.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!