Website Design Elements for Any Business | Prescott, AZ

It may seem intuitive that every business website, regardless of the enterprise would be composed, in part, of the same website design elements any other would have. However, if you are trying to DIY your website, it is important to keep in mind some of the elements that may work to highlight your unique business.

Flow. How a given client navigates your website goes a long way with how your business is received. Considering how you would like someone to experience your products and what content you want to share will inform the flow. Single-page websites are great if your website is more visual. For websites that serve to outline niche information, multi-page websites may better suit your needs.

Contact Information. Clients need a way to reach you, however, it is entirely up to you what contacts to provide. How you decide to manage communication between you and clients is your decision. An important thing to note is that if major search engines provide misleading contact information, it could cost you a client. It has been shown that inaccurate contact information alone can dissuade someone from using your services.

About Page. When potential clients visit your website, even if they understand the services or products you provide, it’s important to make a connection with them as well. About pages are a great way to inform visitors about yourself, your journey in business, or details about products a description may be too short to share. Adding an image to your about page is also a great way to relate with your clients, as it allows an opportunity to visually present your professionalism or personality.

Meet the Team. Businesses with a dynamic team of creatives or different departments benefit from a page where visitors can understand the people who make the operation work. It serves to inform visitors, and allows an opportunity for inquiries to be answered by the appropriate person or department.

For more ideas about how you can DIY your own website, or view the beautiful website Jelly Websites creates, call the team at Jelly Websites at 951.371.9327, or visit us online at