E-commerce Tools For Any Business | Prescott, AZ

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Let’s start with the basics – an e-commerce website is one that allows the purchase and sale of goods, without needing a brick-and-mortar shop. Ebay is a great example of an e-commerce business and set the tone for how online shopping can be a quick, easy, and accessible option for consumers. Here are a few e-commerce tools any business can employ.

User Reviews. To go along with informative product descriptions, it never hurts to have positive reviews for the products you offer. If you are set up on websites like Etsy or have Google Reviews, including them along with each product is a great way to boost confidence for your customers.

Mobile Accessibility. If you do decide to transition to an e-commerce site, make sure its mobile compatible. Those little computers in our pockets are powerful tools where with a single tap we can entice consumers to make a purchase. Make sure your customers can access you from wherever they are, so you can get paid wherever you are.

Payment Options. The financial world is evolving right along with the rest of modern technology. Beyond traditional credit card payment, services like Venmo and PayPal have become increasingly mainstream methods of valid payment to businesses. Brick-and-mortar shops have begun accepting Venmo payments, so it may be an option for your e-commerce site as well.

Product Information. Admittedly, its more difficult for consumers to decide when they can’t have the tactile experience of an item. If you transition to an e-commerce site, its worth the effort or expertise of a writer to help create an immersive description of each item you offer. The more a consumer can understand about a given product, the more likely they are to purchase and be happy with their item.

Customer Profiles. Some of us would rather checkout as a guest for each purchase, but for repeat customers or businesses, having access to their order history, preferences or score deals for loyalty are big perks. It could make the difference in what kinds of customers, and thus sales, you attract.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!