Here’s How To Avoid Infinite Scrolling On your Website | Prescott, AZ

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Infinite scrolling has become an increasingly popular trend in web design. The design of infinite scrolling is as simple as it sounds, it displays your content and allows your viewers to keep scrolling without having to stop. But this website design isn’t for every website.

Like any trend, infinite scrolling had its pros and cons. But that all depends on the type and goals of your website. Infinite scrolling is a type of web interaction technique that continuously loads content as your visitor scrolls though your site rather than having to click on links. Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are the best examples of infinite scrolling. However, many other sites have taken notice to this trend and implemented the design into their sites as well. Here are the upsides:

Great for touch screens. Today most mobile devices are made with touch technology and it’s can be difficult to tap those tiny page links, which is why infinite scrolling solves this problem.

The visuals. One of the best ways to display high quality images and image content is by implementing infinite scrolling into your web design, similar to Pinterest and Flickr.

Simple browsing. Infinite pages are typically faster than regular webpages, eliminating the need for clicking on links and reloading new pages every time.

Keeps users engaged. Infinite scrolling tends to trigger automatic responses based on curiosity and ease which keeps the users engaged while waiting for new content to load.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!