Increase Sales with an Ecommerce Website | Prescott, AZ

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Transitioning to an ecommerce website will boost your sales capacity, as purchases become as easy as a few taps, but there are also subtle design elements that can also work to increase sales. Here are a few design strategies you may want to consider when developing your new or redesigned website.

Email Marketing. Encouraging customers to sign up for an email list is advantageous for a few reasons. It helps you keep track of customers and analytics, but it also entices customers to check out new products or buy when deals enter their inbox. Email marketing campaigns are a tried-and-true method for sales growth, and certainly a design element to consider.

Product Reviews. Do you have customers who absolutely swoon over your products? Ask them to write a google review or email you one, so you can feature it with the product they can’t get enough of. This will build confidence in future consumers, and over time, make your product an attractive option among competition.

Product Recommendations. If you track sales analytics, over time this data will paint a picture of what your customers enjoy purchasing in tandem. When someone clicks on an item, and can view similar or related items, it allows them to consider products they didn’t realize they wanted in addition to what they were seeking. This seemingly simple design element can go a long way in boosting sales.

Easy SEO. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is how websites generate higher up on platforms like Google and Safari. When a website is imbedded with searchable keywords, it will boost your page ranking over time, making it easier for customers to find and consider your products over the competition. Descriptions for products are an easy way to fill your webpages with keywords that rank you higher, thus generating more clicks and sales for your enterprise.

Urgency and Scarcity. This is a bit of a tricky one, as too much use of these can work against you, but enticing sales with pop-ups advertising free trials, limited time offers, and discounts are proven to generate sales.

To learn more tips and tricks for your ecommerce website, or inquire about our services, visit us online at or call us at 951.371.9327 today!