What You Must Do To Drive Website Traffic | Prescott, AZ

graphic of increasing web traffic

Website “traffic” refers to how many people are visiting your site. When you launch a website for your business, it takes time for it to populate online and generate views. If your new or existing website isn’t receiving the traffic you want, it may not quite be your fault. There are several ways to drive traffic to your business, it’s just a matter of knowing the tricks!

Blogging: Starting and maintaining a blog for your website is a great way to keep your site relevant online. A monthly blog allows you to keep your visitors updated on your business and add keywords to your site without cluttering it. It also makes returning to your website appealing, with fans tuning in for interesting tidbits every week.

Search Engine Optimization. A search engine, like Google, is how people find out what they want to know online. Optimizing your website to position itself higher on the results page of major search engines is paramount for your website. What keywords will you choose?

Social Media. Whether you realize it or not, your business can have a social media presence tailored to your niche. While the way to market your business can tap into multiple media streams, it likely you won’t use them all. Utilizing social media is an easy and free way to promote your enterprise.

Keep it Clean. Having a simple and easy-to-navigate website is proven to drive and retain visitors. Cluttered, overwhelming sites will distract visitors from your goals and ultimately reduce visitation to your site.

How traceable your website is online makes a big difference in how it works to promote your brand. These starting points will help get your website out there and building your business!

To learn more about website traffic, management and blogging to improve your website’s accessibility, contact Jelly Websites at 951.371.9327 or visit online at www.jellywebsites.com today.