Why ADA Compliant Websites Matter | Prescott, AZ

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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted in 1990 with the aim of ensuring companies and organizations provide reasonable accommodations to disabled individuals. Many associate this provision with the inclusion of wheelchair access ramps and similar accommodations we now view as commonplace around our communities. Since 1990, the internet has become part and parcel to the operation of commerce and as such, the ADA has evolved to include website provisions.

According to siteimprove.com, “Title 3 of the ADA requires that every owner, lessor, or operator of a ‘place of public accommodation’ provide equal access to users who meet ADA standards for disability.” Unfortunately however, much of this rhetoric lies in a grey area with websites that provide the ability to shop online being the most susceptible to this standard, many are out of reach.

Many lawsuits have come out of the debate about online accessibility for disabled individuals, but while every state has a different standard, it seems like a matter of time before regulations become more defined. It’s a good idea to be on trend with ADA compliance, especially for online stores. If you operate a non-profit or educational website, ADA compliance can expand your reach and show visitors your enterprise cares about the equal access of all people to this information.

A website designer is a great resource and can create or redesign a website for your enterprise that is ADA compliant. There are a host of considerations such as the four areas of compliance that a website designer understands and can incorporate for you. The four areas are perceivable, operable, understandable and robust- and there is a checklist provided by the ADA to ensure these standards have been met. While it’s not impossible to make your website ADA compliant on your own, it is a worthwhile investment to enlist the help of a professional who can ensure compliance.

An ADA complaint website “helps protect your business against lawsuits and fines in addition to providing needed accommodations for your potential customers” according toe businessnewsdaily.com

Interested in learning more about ADA compliance, or want to discuss your options with a designer? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!