How to Give Useful Feedback to Your Designer | Prescott, AZ

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Believe it or not, website designers, like many creatives, need a fair amount of information and direction from their clients to deliver. Designers are considering so many visual and background elements that they are generally unable to produce the best work without their client’s thoughts and desires being understood. When the client feels there is more direction needed to achieve their vision, they should feel comfortable expressing their thoughts. Here are some tips on how to effectively communicate with your designer to achieve the results you want.

Specifics. We hear from clients that they are timid about providing a designer too much information or aesthetic direction. More times than not, an over-explanation of what you are seeking from your digital presence is more welcome than total creative freedom. Designers will take your list of must-haves, dreams and desires and boil them into a cohesive presence.

Inquiries. There are times when elements of a website edit don't suit you, but you are unsure of how to proceed - that’s okay! It is the perfect time to ask your designer his or her thoughts on how to bring a given element to life or rethink your approach. The designer is your ally in making your digital presence enticing, cohesive and user friendly.

Sources of Inspiration. Remember Pinterest? Think of the accumulation of your perfect website inspiration as a pin board. Gather it together; the colors, layouts, fonts, down to the cute accents - everything that makes you think “this is so my brand”. Designers are really good at taking your laundry list of likes, dislikes and “I want to be likes” and boiling them down into a presence your clients or customers will remember. More is more so bring it on!

Design is a collaborative process. It’s going to take time and multiple edits to get it just right so take a deep breath and be a true creative partner - even when you don’t know the answer.

Interested in developing a website with the professional designers at Jelly Websites? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!