What You Need for Organic Website Traffic | Prescott, AZ

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Websites are the first thing you should consider investing in when you start your business. It allows potential and existing clients or customers to find, learn about and follow your growth. There are many ways to promote your business to generate clicks and views, but don’t expect your website to generate organic traffic without these essential components.

Search engine optimization. First and foremost, it’s imperative to optimize the copy with keywords. To generate organic web traffic, you should be taking advantage of certain words to make it at the top of search engines. What keywords will your target audience need to use in order to find you? To find out, simply give it a Google and incorporate relevant tags into as much of your website as possible so it can pick up on it later.

Blogging. The content you add to a blog is very useful for SEO, keeping your visitors informed, and ranking you higher in search results. Blogs are also great for your visitors, it encourages them to visit regularly to discover new and interesting tidbits they may find useful.

Keep it clean. Oversaturated websites are not only confusing to navigate but are likely to cause them to leave your site. Keep your webpage to be easy to navigate, and less cluttered in order to keep your audience’s attention.

Link to social media. Social media has become a necessity for everyday life. Linking your website to a variety of platforms will help your customer base find your website, becoming potential customers or clients. For instance, having a Facebook “Like” or “Share” button on your webpage allows your visitors to follow or share your business without having to navigate away from the site.

Interested in learning more? Visit us online at jellywebsites.com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!