5 Tired Web Design Trends | Custom Web Design


Web design trends, like any other trends, are constantly changing. We all know that most every trend has a shelf life, so you must be prepared when it’s time to adapt to the latest up and coming web design trends. It typically only take a visitor 10-20 seconds before they make up their mind about your website, and if your visitor isn’t impressed by your site, they’ll most likely be clicking that back button pretty quick. If your website includes any of the following five tired web design trends, you’re definitely going to be in need a redesign, and quick.

  • Loading Screens- Okay, come on we aren’t in the late nineties, loading pages take me back to the dial-up days. No visitor wants to wait around for 15 seconds watching a loading screen just to get to the content they would like to view. If you have a loading screen, it’s not that you have a terrible design, it’s just too much on the heavy side of design. Most visitors expect a website to load within 2 seconds.
  • Auto-Play Video/Music- When I personally enter a website and I’m immediately bombarded by music or video, I typically leave that site as quick as possible. Not only is this an annoyance to visitors, it’s a distraction and doesn’t give your visitors the option to watch or listen on their own. If you do have some sort of audio or video on your website, give your visitors the freedom to listen or watch on their own time.
  • Bothersome Pop-Ups- Pop-ups that engage you to take a certain action or to subscribe to a blog, aren’t bad marketing tactics, as long as those pop-ups aren’t diverting you visitors attention elsewhere. If your website does include pop-ups, make sure the message pops up at an appropriate time, and also make sure it’s easy for visitors to opt out of.
  • Flash Sites- Flash is now a trend of the past, or at least it should be. Even though the animations help enhance the look of the website, most devices can’t read Flash. For example, Apple products such as the very popular iPad and iPhone are not able to read Flash sites. So if your website is incorporating Flash, it’s time to redesign.
  • Stock Photos- Be very choosey when it comes to picking stock photography for your website, because many stock photos look either lifeless or completely staged. You definitely need to use a critical eye when choosing stock photography. The photos you choose for your website can either make it, or break it.

If you are incorporating any of these tired trends into website, then your website in definitely in need of an update, and fast! Call Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 if you’re interested in website redesign, or visit our website at www.jellywebsites.com for more information regarding the additional services we offer.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Anaheim, Irvine, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

5 Reasons Why Your Visitors are Leaving Your Website | Web Design Corona, CA


Are you having trouble keeping visitors on your website? Well, attracting visitors to your website is one thing, but getting your visitors to stick around is another. You don’t only want visitors to take a look at your website and leave, you want your visitors to stick around and take a certain action. If you’ve noticed that your visitors are clicking that “back button” quite often, then maybe it’s time you realize there may be a problem with your website.  The follow list includes five reasons why your visitors may be leaving your website:

Bad First Impression- Remember, your homepage is essentially the face of your business to the online world, and your homepage will be the first thing that your visitors will see. You want to make a positive impression to your visitors. If your design is outdated it’ll make your visitor feel a little uneasy about your website, and it usually only takes a visitor a few seconds to make judgement. So make sure your home page is attractive, provides useful information, and of course has eye pleasing graphics.

Poor Navigation- I guarantee we have all had the experience of clicking onto a webpage and becoming immediately confused by the layout and all of the navigation options.  Poor site navigation is one of the main reasons visitors leave a website. You’re websites navigation should be simple and organized.

Overwhelming Visitors with Pop-Ups- Your website is a way for you to generate leads, but that doesn’t mean you want to bombard you visitors with pop-ups asking for their information right when they enter your website. That sort of tacit will aggravate your visitors, resulting in them leaving your site. When a message pops up it should be at an appropriate time, and should have the option the easily exit.

Auto-Play Videos- No one likes to be bombard by music or video when they enter a website. Having auto-play music or videos can be quite annoying and may even cause your visitors to leave your site. If you do have a video on your site, give your visitors the freedom to press play and watch it on their own time.

Content is Difficult to Read- Design isn’t all about color, images and graphic, it’s also about the fonts you choose to use, as well as the color of the text and background. The font, text color and background will affect how well your visitors will be able to read and retain the content on your website.

Think from a visitor’s point of view, if they were to click onto your website, would they want to click through or hit that back button? If you’re thinking they would be clicking the back button pretty fast, then it’s time for you to redesign your website. You don’t want visitors to be leaving right away, you want to engage their attention.

For more information regarding web design, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit www.jellywebsites.com for more information.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Anaheim, Irvine, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.