The Essential Guide to Landing Pages | Prescott, AZ

A landing page is a vital element of your website, designed to capture the attention of visitors and guide them toward specific actions or features within your business. A well-crafted landing page can significantly enhance user engagement and conversion rates. However, it's important to strike a balance; too much information or too many interactive elements can overwhelm visitors and drive them away.

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What To Know About Landing Pages | Prescott, AZ

We all know what a landing page is. It leads a visitor to the features within your website and your business. The more interactive they are, the longer a potential client will stay. However, if you have too much going on, it can clutter up your page and drive those potential clients away. Nonetheless, a landing page is intricate to your website.

Another great way to utilize your landing page is for self-promotion. Say your company has a new product or service they’re promoting, a great way to promote is with a landing page crafted around that one particular service or product. Here are a few other reasons your company needs a landing page:

Email list expansion. In order for you to expand your email listings, your landing page should feature a call to action, or a form your visitors fill out with personal information to receive a free offer or additional information. Not only can you promote new products and sales, but you can even create more personalized communication with your client base.

More potential leads. Generating leads is what makes your online marketing efforts worthwhile. A clean, functioning landing page with a simple call to action can help connect you to a whole new demographic of customers you never knew you had. This can help tailor your marketing campaigns.

Search campaigns. Do you know the offers that come up when you search for something? Incorporating this type of search engine marketing with your landing page can drive instant traffic to your page. Search campaigns make sure you are gathering leads from visitors that are interested in your actual offer.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!

How To Know When It’s Time To Update Your Website | Prescott, AZ

Your website is the face of your business, meaning you will want to stay up-to-date with the latest web design and usability features in order to put your best foot forward to current and potential customers. Here are some things to consider if its time to update your website.

Brand changing. If your business's services, products, or purpose have changed over the years, so should your branding. Your site should reflect what your business offers whether you’ve increased or reduced what you’re offering. Don’t let your website mislead a potential customer.

Outdated website. As mentioned above, your website is your visitor’s first impression of your business. There has been research that has shown that it only takes about 8 seconds for a person to judge your site, and if you have a terrible and unsightly design, I guarantee visitors won’t be returning.

Not mobile-friendly. Now that mobile devices have become increasingly popular for everyday use to browse the internet, it’s extremely important that you either have a responsive or separate mobile site. It’s almost impossible to make a website compatible across all devices, but if you have no compatibility it will be a large disadvantage.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!

Adding a Landing Page to your Marketing Mix | Prescott, AZ

On the surface, a landing page doesn’t seem like a marketing tool, however it can be a great way to promote yourself. Landing pages target audiences and points them to the product or service you are promoting. Targeted content also means that your landing page will stand out from your website; something your readers will remember.

Have you grown your online presence lately? A winning marketing strategy is one that diversifies the ways it attains and retains viewership. A landing page can provide multiple opportunities for growing your business such as a call to action, lead generation and search campaigns.

Call to Action. Including a call to action (to visit during happy hour for example), or a form your visitor can fill out to receive updates are two ways to expand your reach. These can begin generating or growing an email list of clients interested in the latest of what you have to offer.

Lead Generation. This is the process of turning a stranger into a fan of your enterprise. A landing page can add that extra touch that converts that person into your newest client. Additionally, a broader reach will allow you to begin analyzing trends among your customers, allowing you to better tailor your marketing over time.

Search Campaigns. Search campaigns target those seeking like content to your promotion when they search on the internet. They can be incorporated into a landing page literally pulling potential customers to you, for you. Something to consider when creating a landing page is how interactive it is. The more interactive, the longer a potential client may view it. But if it has too much going on, it can clutter the page and actually drive away a client. Nevertheless, landing pages are easy to get right and can be a great addition to any marketing strategy.

If you’d like to find out more about landing pages, contact Jelly Websites in Prescott, AZ at (951) 371-9327 or visit us online at for additional information.

Landing Pages

We can think about landing pages as a single-page website presentation that works to get information to visitors without a labyrinth of tabs to navigate. Essentially, landing pages are a facet of marketing and advertising campaigns for many businesses. If your business shares on social media or sends out email campaigns, it should be directing viewership to a landing page for your enterprise. If your current campaigns are not transmediated in this way, or is non-existent, it could mean a loss in viewership, retention, Google ranking etc.

While it may seem redundant to advertise to current and prospective consumers while providing a link to yet another destination for your content, this circular navigation is how we all end up on Facebook for hours at a time; it works. Landing pages are a great tool in your marketing toolbox. They are easy enough to produce and imbed in your various media, that even the prospect it will increase viewership makes them worth the investment.

If you’d like to find out more about building a website, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at (951) 371-9327 or visit for additional information.

Common Website Mistakes | Corona, CA

Bad web design advice is everywhere. We hear it practically every day in our line of work from clients who just want the best for their business. Which are you a culprit of? Take a look at the more common mistakes:

Desktop design. Now that roughly half of all website traffic comes from users on mobile devices, having a responsive website is an absolute must.

Calls to action above the fold. A case study found that pages with calls to action lower on the page perform 304% better than pages with a call to action above the fold.

Cluttered forms. Instead of overwhelming your users with long forms asking for several pieces of their background, history, and contact information, stick to the key info that you need to get in touch.

Broken links. Removing broken links from your site is an extremely easy and effective way to improve user experience, keep users on your site, and even improve your search engine rankings.

Pared-down mobile websites. Instead of eliminating important features, prioritize which ones your mobile users need most and place those higher on your mobile page.

Pop-ups. Pop-ups, autoplay content, and other interrupting elements frustrate and annoy your website visitors. Instead, entice your users to opt into your content.

The competitors. When you mimic designs and content that you see on your competitors’ websites, you don’t set yourself above the competition.

Too much copy. Use things like headings, images, and bulleted/numbered lists to break up that content while using shorter paragraphs to embrace white space.

Press releases vs. blog posts. If your blog is filled with press releases, there’s a good chance that users won’t want to read them. If there’s a certain point you want to get across, a blog post is best.

If you’d like to find out more about building a website, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at (951) 371-9327 or visit for additional information.

Jelly Websites proudly serves Prescott, AZ and all surrounding areas.

It’s Time to Update Your Website | Corona, CA

web design

In an ever-changing world, it takes a keen eye to stay on top of the latest trends. When it comes to designing your website, it is important that you keep to the basics, but with a bit of flair in order to stand out. After all, your website is the face of your business and most of the time it’s your visitor’s first impression of you as well. You built the website and you think it’s perfect, which makes it tough to realize when it’s time for a refresh. It’s important to keep in mind that redesigning your website could only require a few changes to produce the results you’re expecting. The following are a few reasons your company may be in need of a redesign:

Branding changes. If your businesses services, products, or purpose have changed over the years, so should your branding. You site should reflect what your business offers whether you’ve increased or reduced what you’re offering. Don’t let your website mislead a potential customer.

Outdated website. Like I mentioned above, your website is your visitor’s first impression of your business. There has been research that has shown that it only takes about 8 seconds for a person to judge your site, and if you have a terrible and unsightly design, I guarantee visitors won’t be returning.

Not mobile-friendly. Now that mobile devices have become increasing popular for everyday use to browse the internet, it’s extremely important that you either have a responsive or separate mobile site. It’s almost impossible to make a website compatible across all devices, but if you have no compatibility it will be a large disadvantage.

If you’d like to find out more about updating your websites, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at (951) 371-9327 or visit for additional information.

Jelly Websites proudly serves Prescott, AZ and all surrounding areas.

Create a User-Friendly Web Experience | Corona, CA

When designing your website, you need to ensure that you are designing it for your future customers. After all, they are the ones that will be using your website to find information, products and services – making things overwhelming or confusing isn’t going to do a service to anyone. You want to make a good first impression and your website is their first introduction. Provide your visitor with a seamless and user-friendly experience if you want them to think about returning to your website by considering the following tips:

Welcome your visitors. When a visitor lands on your homepage they are usually in search of product, seeking information or looking for some sort of assistance. Your homepage must be able to clearly identify who you are and what you do to assure your visitors they are on the right webpage.

Simple navigation. Making your website easy to navigate is key, no one likes to get lost or confused looking for information. Make sure your navigation bar is visible and easy to locate so your visitors are able to explore your page with ease.

Provide value. Point out why your company is different and unique from your competitors, while making it simple to read and understand. Try incorporating original and credible content such as testimonials from happy customers or clients.

Streamlined design. You may think that if your page is full of flashy photos, video or music it will attract more visitors, but the fact is this sort of content actually drives most visitors away. Utilize white space, colors and fonts appropriately.

Content changes. When a website remains the same, visitors will have no reason to return. Schedule periodic updates to create new content.

If you’d like to find out more about user-friendly websites, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at (951) 371-9327 or visit for additional information.

Jelly Websites proudly serves Prescott, AZ and all surrounding areas.

Landing Pages: Are They Necessary? Corona, CA

We all know what a landing page is. It leads a visitor to the features within your website and your business. The more interactive they are, the longer a potential client will stay. However, if you have too much going on, it can clutter up your page and drive those potential clients away. Nonetheless, a landing page is intricate to your website.

Another great way to utilize your landing page is for self-promotion. Say your company has a new product or service they’re promoting, a great way to promote is with a landing page crafted around that one particular service or product. Here are a few other reasons your company needs a landing page:

Email list expansion. In order for you to expand your email listings, your landing page should feature a call to action, or a form your visitors fill out with personal information to receive a free offer or additional information. Not only can you promote new products and sales, but you can even create a more personalized communication with your client base.

More potential leads. Generating leads is what makes your online marketing efforts worthwhile. A clean, functioning landing page with a simple call to action can help connect you to a whole new demographic of customers you never knew you had. This can help tailor your marketing campaigns.

Search campaigns. You know the offers that come up when you search for something? Incorporating this type of search engine marketing with your landing page can drive instant traffic to your page. Search campaigns make sure you are gathering leads from visitors that are interested in your actual offer.

If you’d like to find out more about landing pages, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at (951) 371-9327 or visit for additional information.

Jelly Websites proudly serves Corona and all surrounding areas.

Catching Your Eye: Ways to Grab Their Attention | Corona, CA

Believe it or not, but you have about eight seconds to grab the eye of your website’s visitors. Eight SECONDS. There isn’t much time to be cleaver or dazzling, so when you add content to your website, think fast. What do you want your possible clients to know before they click on? These are six simple tricks to capture your visitor’s attention, and keep them on your website:

Keep it quick. Try to come up with a catchy, effective paragraph about your company and its products. If there is something you want your visitor to check out, make sure to place it at the top of the page.

Quick loading time. A slow website will not only limit what you can say but may also dissuade your potential customers. If you are worried about load time, try resizing pictures, limiting GIFs and make sure you also have a reliable host.

Make it attractive. Landing pages are great to capture attention since it’s just one page to display your idea or product. Make sure it matches the rest of your website, so you don’t confuse your visitors.

Easy read. Most people prefer to read a short amount of text, so try eye-catching headlines that lead to longer articles. Bullet points on your front page are also great to make points quickly.

Safety and statistics. People like to feel secure about your company or purchases, so use colorful charts, testimonials and security logos to help make them feel better about your business and website.

Mobile and tablet friendly. Now that most internet browsing is done on mobile devices or tablets, it is very important for your site to load quickly and reliably on all devices.

If you’d like to improve your website's visibility, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit for additional information.

Jelly Websites proudly serves Corona and all surrounding areas.