3 Online Marketing Myths


Many people have heard and also believed some of the most absurd and unrealistic myths about online marketing. Often times these myths are detrimental to ones business because they are based on false principles that are supposed to lead to online success.

This typically happens to be people that either lack preparation skills for what is required to build an online marketing strategy or they misunderstand how to prioritize the resources they have to improve their online appearance. In such cases, these business that do the latter go under before they even have the chance to thrive.

Several online marketing myths and misconceptions are still very persuasive to some. There may even be some vendors or services that market online marketing myths and target those that don’t know any better. So if you’ve come looking for online marketing myths to bust, you come to the right place. The following list includes three common online marketing myths:

Myth #1: People will buy your product just because it’s cheaper than your competitor. Just because your prices for your product or services are lesser in price does not mean that it will result in word-of-mouth, purchases or market share. People need to know you exist before any of that happens. Excepting orders to roll in because just because your product is lesser in rice than your largest competitor is silly. You must create awareness using online marketing practices such as SEO, creating a social platform, etc.

Myth #2: I must get as many visitors to my website as possible. Yeah getting traffic is great and all, but it doesn’t always provide the results you may be expecting. There’s a big difference between getting traffic and getting the right type of traffic. To get gain the right kind of traffic you must focus on a specific target group and niche, this is a great way to provide your company with a larger number of leads. When sells are lows, a few clicks onto your page is not going to solve the problem.

Myth #3: When my website finished, my work will be done. Sure you may have developed a beautiful website with all of the latest web design trends, but that doesn’t mean that your work is over with. In fact, it’s quite the opposite because this is when the real work comes into play. You must stay on top of your business by consistently creating and promoting great content and come up with new ways to engage with your followers or target audience. Again, this is where you must think outside of the box and use other sources such as social media platforms, blogging, etc.

If you would like to learn more about online marketing or would like help building a website of your own, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit www.jellywebsites.com for additional information regarding online marketing.

Jelly Websites proudly serves Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

5 Web Design Mistakes You Must Avoid


Despite everything that web designers know, several of them are still making the same terrible design mistakes. And I’m not talking about a misspelled word in your content, I’m talking about being able to see this design mistake right when entering the website. While there’s no way for you to go back in time, you can make corrections so your design flawlessly moves forward. The following is a list I’ve complied of the five most common web design mistakes:

No Color or Typography Palette. Designers often think that they can get away with colors that “seem to match” or fonts that are “close”. Web design projects are just like any other when it comes to styles and branding, making consistent color and typography palettes extremely critical. Be sure that you have a great set of colors and type choices that contribute to a simple and professional-looking design.

Complicated Navigation. Don’t get to creative or go over the top when creating your navigation. It’s always best to think of your visitors beforehand. Having a simple and modernized navigation is a crucial design element to any website.

No Contact Information. This a very big problem, though it is rare, there are several websites that don’t have an email or contact form. Don’t make you visitor have to look somewhere other than you website for contact information. If you do have contact information on your website, make sure that it’s easy to find and access. You can try putting your contact information in the websites footer, header or even both the footer and header.

Not Mobile-Friendly at All. When you’re designing a website you must think of content in terms of mobile. Think about considering a “mobile-first” approach during the planning, copywriting, design, review, and testing. Do this all the way to the release and revisions to ensure your site is mobile-friendly. If you site isn’t mobile friendly, I assure you that you are going to lose business. Be sure your website adapts to any size screen. It results to a bad first impression when visitors have to pinch and pull to enlarge text and imagery.

Entire Flash Website. I may have mentioned that going back in time is impossible, however it turns out that it is: An all-flash website takes us back to 2006! But on a serious note, there a huge impact on the number of visitors who can access your all-flash website. Flash isn’t compatible with iOS, meaning anyone with an iPhone or iPad will not be able to view your website, which kills your mobile reach.

The website mistakes above and more happen when you don’t think of your users enough during the design process. Your website is the first impression for your business, so be sure to take the time to invest time into its quality.

If you’d like to improve your websites online appearance, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit www.jellywebsites.com for additional information regarding web design.

Jelly Websites proudly serves Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

5 Tips to Get Your Website Noticed

Man on website Do have an online business? Have you had a tough time getting your website noticed? As nice as the quote “If you build it, they will come” sounds, it doesn’t work well in the case of building a website. Unfortunately, it takes a lot more effort than just building a beautiful website for it to drive traffic.

It takes time to build an audience, and it also takes certain knowledge to accomplish the goal of driving traffic to your website in the first place. The following includes a list of five tips and tactics to help your website getting noticed:

Content Marketing- Content is key. One of the very best ways to get your website noticed is by getting your content seen by as many people as possible. Meaning that you should try to get on as many websites as possible. You want this content to drive visitors to your website, so be sure that the articles or blogs you produce are high-quality.

Social Media- You can use social media to help promote your website and get your business noticed. Social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are an ideal way to publicize your website or blogs. You can start by making business profiles on the largest social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, to help get your business noticed. It’s important that you stay consistent with post or tweets and encourage sharing to help generate traffic to your website.

Professional Look- Incorporating flashy photos, background music and walls of text isn’t going to drive visitors to your website. As a matter of fact, it will do the exact opposite. It’s been said that it only takes 8 seconds for a visitors to judge a website, so don’t waste your time with trying to go all out. Simplicity is key, so be sure to take the time to make sure your website visually pleasing and organized.

Partner Up- Find someone to partner up with that has similar content and exchange links. It’s essentially a cross promotion. You can also design an eye-catching banner to place on your partner’s site, and in return you can do the same for them. You can also produce a free WordPress page and include a link back to your website in the footer.

Start Blogging- It’s no mystery that search engines love fresh content. If you’re not updating your website regularly, the search engine crawlers won’t visit it very often. Unless you can update your website every day or every few days, the easiest way to produce fresh content is to start blogging or have “news” page. You can use this to talk about your latest projects or to provide tips, among much more. Write about things that will attract your target audience.

Getting your website noticed won’t happen overnight, but some time and effort you can make it happen. If you’d like to get your website noticed, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 today or visit our website at www.jellywebsites.com to view our portfolio.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Irvine, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

Creative Ways to Attract Visitors to Your Website

woman typing on laptop and media icons fly offA frequently asked question is “How do I attract more visitors to my website?” This is typically asked when a client is frustrated at the lack of business that their website has brought them.

Often times, there isn’t anything wrong with the website itself, however, it just sits on the internet ignored. While doable, taking your websites from zero to a few hundred or thousand visits a month takes hard work and dedication. But before doing so you must recognize the harsh truth about the Internet- The online world is all about attention. However, if you want people to pay attention to you, you must first earn it.

Most times people assume their work will speak for itself, but that’s not always the case. You must accept that marketing will always be a part of your job. While attracting visitors can be hard work, it can also be fun when you apply creativity, which can also make your marketing more effective. The following is a list of ways you can attract customers with creativity:

Start an amazing blog- Notice the keyword “amazing”. Your blog shouldn’t be something you update from time to time, such as when you gain a new clients or try to sell something new. Your blog should include information that grabs your target audience’s attention with valuable, useful or entertain material.

Offer free material- If no one’s ever heard of you, chances are they aren’t going to pay for your work without reference. So if you have things that you can offer such as a free e-book, a bestselling track, a design template or videos that anyone can imbed it their own site. Be sure this information or material you giving away is valuable, because if not who’s going to boast about it? You want people to talk about your products or services to take things further.

Barrow an audience. Why build an audience from scratch when you can borrow someone else’s to help spread the word. No, this isn’t unethical, in fact people usually appreciated that you admire them that much to ask.

You could write high-quality guest posts on popular blogs about your niche is a very effective way to get to people who’d like to reach out to. Your payment back from the company would be a link back to your site.

Get your content everywhere. If you’re determined to get more visitors, you have to go out and find them. Social networks aren’t just for networking, they’re also an ideal place to post your content for all to see. You can use Facebook, Google+ and Twitter to post links to your content, such as blog posts, videos, free reports and so on.

Also, be sure to be generous and share other people’s content than your own. Not only will this help others, but it will also put you in the position as a neat source of cool things that people will wants to follow.

Keep in mind that none of these methods are a quick fix. They all require time, dedication and consistency. Good news is that these are all ways that will benefit your business. All of the efforts mentioned above will help you become known and attract new visitors every time your work on your marketing.

If you are looking acquire a new website or to improve your current one, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 to get in touch with us today! Or visit www.jellywebsites.com for information regarding the web services off here at Jelly Websites.

Jelly Websites proudly serves Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

A Few Things People Hate About Websites

Woman Using Tablet Computer On Sofa

I’m sure you’ve had the experience of landing on a website that either drives you bonkers with excessive pop-ups or slow loading times. Those are both experiences that most likely lead you tell eventually leave the website altogether.

There are many things that people hate about certain websites. Many of those things that can frustrate people and lead to them to navigating away from your website. To be sure you’re not one of the many websites people dislike I’ve complied a few things that people hate about websites:

Websites that are cluttered with cheesy or generic stock photos. Most know that using imagery is great for inbound marketing. However, when you land on page with a stock phone of what supposedly looks like your entire staff jumping in the air with joy at work, they can be thrown off. Because who’s really all that happy at work every day, and poses for a work picture that way. Come on.

Images are supposed to be used to help clarify something for your visitors, and generic stock photos won’t help visitors or your business at that. It’s much better to use real photos of your customers, team, location, and products. If you don’t have those, browse the internet for the best, non-cheesy stock photo websites.

Websites that contain a contact form, but no contact information. I’ve personally dealt with a site like recently. The website contained a “Contact Us” page, yet it only included an area where you leave your contact information till they get back to you. While there is nothing wrong with having a contact form, it should not be the only way of getting in contact with your business. If visitors, myself included, need help, they typically want it immediately.

Make it easy for people to get in contact with you via email, the phone and social media, and be sure to include that information on your website.

Your website contains keyword-stuffed copy. There was a time where you could go to website see paragraphs and paragraphs of copy. Not only was it overwhelming, but if you read the copy you’d find nothing but a lot of keywords meant for bots, not humans. While keywords are crucial in SEO success, Google will penalize you if your website if stuffed with keywords.

More importantly, keyword-stuffed copy on websites make for a bad reader experience. Instead of cramming a bunch of key words into your website, learn how to optimize keywords throughout your website or hire someone to do so for you.

Don’t make any of the mistakes mentioned above or your business may suffer in conversions and sales. These are only some of the few mistakes you can make with your website. If your website does have any of the mentioned web problems, you should get on top of properly optimizing it or hire someone to do so.

If you’re looking to improve your website or looking to acquire a new one, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 to get in touch today. Or visit www.jellywebsites.com for information regarding our web services.

Jelly Websites proudly serves Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

5 Signs Your Web Design Style is Outdated

web designI’m sure we’ve all come across a business buildings that look like they haven’t been worked on in decades due to chipping paint or sad landscaping. As you notice them though, you walk or drive right past them eyeing other establishments.

The same applies to your website, considering it’s essentially your business’s storefront. Having an exceptional website will build your credibility and also help establish your presence in your industry, while having an outdated website do the exact opposite.

Potential customers associate an outdated website with outdated or poor quality products or services, which is why I’ve compiled a list of the top 5 sign your website design is outdated:

  • Outdated Fonts and Graphic Elements- For those who don’t know, icons, images and graphic content play a big part in defining ones websites design style. Good news is, this is quite an easy update. Most web designers are moving towards flat design, vector-based elements, clean design for better usability on little screens and simple communication.
  • Irrelevant Content- Many websites tend to acquire all sorts of articles and features over time. However, even with good information architecture, a great web designer and regular maintenance, your website can lose all of its original organization it once had. You can improve this problem by redesign, but you must first have a strategic plan to separate the relevant information from the junk.
  • Not Mobile Friendly- Your website should be compatible and scale to fit on all screen sizes. You can wither with a completely separate mobile website or choose to have a responsive website. A responsive website will adapt to any device, no matter what size screen.
  • Built with Flash- While Flash is a great tool to create rich multimedia experiences, it isn’t compatible to IOS. This means that a website built with Flash will not work on an iPad or iPhone, making Flash websites a bad idea. Thankfully, there’s the help of HTLM and CSS3 that work on all modern browsers, while also giving better search results in Google.
  • To Many Images- While having photos, video and sound files can be an asset, however, it can drive your visitors to click that back button if your website is overwhelmed with graphic elements. Additional problems with graphics include things such as outdated logos that appear funny on a newer display screen, images instead of text in menu line or on buttons and using images in the footer rather than text.

If you feel your website design is out of date and needs some sprucing up or a whole new look, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit www.jellywebsites.com for additional information regarding web design.

Jelly Websites proudly serves Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

Latest Online Marketing Trends of 2016

hassle free custome websitesAs times passes and technology continues to advance, our marketing strategies must also evolve to keep up with our target audience. While companies are trying to come up with creative and unique ways to capture their audience’s attention, certain approaches have become favored and trend with the online marketing business. The following are some of the most recent online marketing trends, which may lead to many more inspiring and unique trends for years to come.

  • Relate to Your Target Audience

The biggest development in online marketing trends may be quite general but it’s grabbed the attention of certain audiences. Many companies are attempting to appeal to their customers on a more relatable and personal level. Most people know how advertising works, so approaching them in a more personal and realistic way can make your marketing efforts more successful. You can relate to your customers in many ways, and in many areas of your company.

  • Must Be Mobile-First

While having a mobile-friendly website is a plus, have a completely separate mobile website may be the better choice. A majority of your visitors are accessing your website from a smartphone, and having a completely separate mobile website makes for easier access and navigation.

  • Sales on Social Media

Rather than the trend of selling on social media developing, it’s declined. This is likely due to it not relating to the public on a personal level. If you’re purely using social media to push the sales of a product, it’s not going to appeal to those that are on social media for the sole purpose of being social. Rather than pushing product, companies are now using their social media profiles to post content that their followers may enjoy, while creating a positive image overall.

  • Appeal to Intellect and Needs

Instead of simply selling and pushing products or services to potential customers, interact with them and appeal to both their intellect and as well as needs. This method of online marketing is able to speak to your target audience on a more personal level, which has proved to be quiet successful.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level with an existing or new website, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 today! Or visit www.jellywebsites.com for information regarding our services.

Jelly Websites proudly serves Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

How You Can Increase Online Sales


Are you looking for ways to increase your online sales? As most people know, there are some strategies that are effective but steady, long-term methods. While other strategies can be fast, simple changes that can be made in your digital marketing.

For some, it can be difficult to choose which of the two strategies will work best for their company. It’s best to take a look at several and try them out. Sometimes, it’s takes some trial and error to find the right strategy that suits your company best.

The following are two ways you can increase online sales for your business:

  • Be Focused and Have a Target

Some of the quicker methods involve strategies such as simplifying your website and your online marketing goals. For instance, narrowing down you online advertising to one main goal -like more conversions or click-throughs- can help you by figuring out where you should be focusing your valuable time and money.  When you advertise a large amount of products or services all at once it can confuse and distract your visitors, which won’t leave a good impression.

You should be sure to focus on your most popular or successful products or services to catch their interest, and provide additional content elsewhere on your website. Furthermore, once your visitor catches interest in a specific product or service, be sure to make it easy for them to access it by including easy navigation.

Furthermore, if your visitors are navigating their way through your website on a mobile devices, you should make sure your website is mobile-friendly. Not only will having a mobile-friendly website be much easier for your visitors, it will leave a good impression of your business. It helps to have more imagery and visuals for those that are using a mobile device to view your website. Including photos of your products or services can increase your visitors trust and interest.

  • Spend Your Money Wisely

While accessing your company’s website is extremely helpful, there are other aspects of online marketing that can improve your online sales. First off, you should begin by figuring out where and when to spend your money. Educate yourself about where you can afford to use free or cheap software, and where to hire an online marketing professional. Aspects such as your website design, company logo and SEO should be handled by a professional. Do not let your selling points appear to be cheap or quickly put together, this will only push away potential customers.

Whether you choose to acquire the help of a professional or expert to optimize your website and companies look, or you choose to focus on selling a specific product or services, your online sales can only go up from there.

For more information regarding online sales, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit www.jellywebsites.com for additional information.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

Wicked Pilates | Custom Website Design Corona, CA


Jelly Websites is extremely excited to announce yet another launch of a new website, Wicked Pilates! This beautiful and seamless custom website delivers a great first impression for online viewers. Our talented team here at Jelly Websites created this interactive website to be simple, yet elegant attracting visitors to dig a little deeper. The website showcases the classes, schedules etc. and provides easy access to the content.

Our team here at Jelly Websites is extremely committed to building websites that best convey your brand image, your passion, your commitment and your expertise. Before launching your website we learn the key components that make you stand out from your competition, research your competitor and research your keywords to understand what will be effective for your online marketing. This is why our websites serve as an effective marketing tool to reach current and potential customers, saving you and your staff valuable time.

Click here to view Wicked Pilates beautiful custom website.

If you’re ready to take your company to the next level with a seamless custom website, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or learn more by visit our website at www.jellywebsites.com.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.


R & R Landscape| Website Design Corona, CA

r and r

Jelly Websites is proud to announce the launch of one of our newest websites R & R Landscape. Our talented team of web designers here at Jelly Websites built this seamless website to be fresh and informative without bombarding the viewer’s senses. This beautiful single page website provides the perfect amount of information, while leaving viewers interested in attaining additional information.

We here at Jelly Websites are dedicated to getting to know you so that our team can build websites that reflect your company’s personal style and attracts viewers online. By also adding search engine optimization tags we can also help you gain new customers. Due to our 16 years in website design and development, we have the resources to do all of the hard work of getting you noticed saving your valuable time.

Click here to view R & R Landscape’s full website

If you’re ready to take your company to the next level with a beautiful single page website, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at www.jellywebsites.com for additional information.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.