Buying What You’re Selling: How to Drive Traffic | Corona, CA

When trying to expand your business and get in front of a new customer base, you need to sit down and figure out a solid game plan. And in the day and age of online technology, a great place to start is to look at your online presence. Often times, there isn’t anything wrong with the website itself, but the fact that there is nothing driving your customers. So, what do you do to entice more traffic? It just takes a little bit of creativity:

Start a blog. A great way to grab the attention of your customers is by starting a blog, just make sure you keep content fresh and entertaining. Give them information they will not only find useful, but the more creative you are with its presentation, the more response you’ll receive.

Freebies. It is important to have a good reference when expanding your business. But there is one thing that is tough to resist – a free gift. Be sure this information or material you’re giving away is valuable, so people are more apt to talk about it to their friends.

Borrow an audience. People have found success getting their name out there by making cameos on other people’s sites. Approach those that are directly related to what you are doing – people usually appreciate that you admire them that much to ask.

Get your content everywhere. Social networks aren’t just for networking, they’re also an ideal place to post your content. Also, be sure to be generous and share other’s content as well. “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” isn’t just a phrase about itches.

For more information on website contentcontact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at

Proudly serving Corona and all surrounding areas.

Why Jelly Websites Is the Better Option | Corona, CA

You have started your business plan and are ready to open the doors. Now you need to figure out the best way to advertise yourself. It’s time for a website. If you are like most, you have no idea how to create a website – so, what do you do?

There are many website companies that promote themselves on tv. We’re sure you’ve seen their commercials before. It seems like a quick and easy way to get the job done with the least amount of cost. But, are you really giving your business everything it needs to start off on the right foot? Before you choose that option, take a look at what having a Jelly website can provide…

Custom design. We don’t give you templates to choose from; we tailor your site to your needs and personalize it to reflect who you are.

Current technology. We pride ourselves on staying up-to-date on all of the hottest social media and Photoshop techniques. You can rest assured that you and your website are getting the latest and greatest of technology.

Powerful call-to-action. We are here to answer all your questions, work with you on any issues that might pop up, and re-design your website as you see fit.

Quick turnaround. We understand a great website is very lucrative to your overall success, so we can have your website up and going quickly.

You’re the owner. Unlike other template website design companies, your website is your own.

Jelly is not like any other website design company. We insist on giving you our full, undivided attention to make your wants and concepts a reality. Don’t wait any longer, start getting seen on top search engines today.

For more information on custom websitescontact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at

Proudly serving Corona and all surrounding areas.

Drive Your Traffic with Impressive Web Design | Corona, CA

When we are looking to increase business, we create a website. When we want to increase traffic to that website, we improve the site’s design. Because if we blend in, our business won’t stand out. Here are a few simple changes you can make to transform your entire website and bring in more business:

Simple to understand. People don’t typically read through entire websites – it’s get in, find what you are looking for and get out. Make sure the content is easy to understand so that your visitors will be able to find what they’re looking for in a timely manner, so they don’t go looking elsewhere.

Large images. By using large images, you are able to capture your visitor’s attention instantly. Use full screen images with little text (ideally 2-3 words) and make sure the images are interesting, relates to your company and is also beautiful.

Typography. The objective of using larger font is so your visitors don’t have to read as much, while still getting your message across to them. Focus on your message and display them in a big, beautiful font.

Responsive design. Now that most searches are done mobile devices it’s extremely important to make sure that your website can convert to any size screen. A responsive site adapts to the screen of any device your visitors may be using, which will make for a much for user-friendly experience.

Establishing a stunning, memorable website is no easy task, but with a little focus creativity it can be done. Don’t go on being in the shadow of your competition, get a little risky with your design.

For more information contact Jelly Websites at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at

Five Ways You Are Designing Your Website Wrong | Corona, CA

If there is anything we know, it is that trends are constantly changing. It doesn’t matter what category you stack it up against, every trend comes into our zeitgeist and leaves just about as quickly as it showed up. This said, it is important that you keep up with said trends to maintain and continue to grow your website traffic. It typically takes a visitor 10-20 seconds before they make up their mind about your website, and if not impressed, they’re gone. So, when designing your website, keep these outdated trends in mind:

Loading screens. No visitor wants to wait around for 15 seconds watching a loading screen just to get to the content they would like to view. If your site needs to load, you have too much going on and need to taper back the design content.

Auto-play video/music. Not only is auto-played video/music annoying to your visitor, but a distraction. If you require having some sort of audio or video on your website, give your visitors the freedom to listen or watch.

Pop-ups. Pop-ups that engage you to take a certain action or to subscribe to a blog, aren’t bad marketing tactics, as long as those pop-ups aren’t diverting your visitor’s attention elsewhere.

Flash sites. Flash is now a trend of the past, as most devices can’t read Flash. So, if your website is incorporating Flash, it’s time to redesign.

Stock photos. When it comes to stock footage, be particular. The photos you choose for your website can either make it, or break it.

For more information contact Jelly Websites at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at

Why Can’t I Keep My Website Visitor’s Attention? | Corona, CA

You’ve finally decided to invest in a website for your business. It is all designed to your specifications and has gone live. The problem is, attracting visitors to your website is one thing, but getting your visitors to stick around is another. You don’t only want visitors to take a look at your website and leave, you want your visitors to stick around and take a certain action. If you’ve noticed that your visitors are clicking that “back button” quite often, then maybe it’s time you realize there may be a problem with your website.  The follow list includes five reasons why your visitors may be leaving your website:

Poor first impression. Your homepage is essentially the face of your business to the online world. When designing your website, make sure your home page is attractive, provides useful information, and of course has eye pleasing graphics.

Difficult navigation. We have all had a tough time figuring out how to navigate through a poorly designed website – keep it simple and organized.

Pop-ups. When it comes to marketing your business, a website is key to generating leads, but forcing visitor information as they click on your site is off-putting. Set these pop-ups should be at an appropriate time.

Auto-play videos. If you do have a video on your site, give your visitors the freedom to press play and watch it on their own time.

Confusing content. The font, text color and background will affect how well your visitors will be able to read and retain the content on your website.

For more information contact Jelly Websites at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at

Do I Really Need a Landing Page? | Corona, CA

Creating a website can be a daunting task. There are just so many factors and terms that go into a website, it can become overwhelming. And instead of overwhelming you with a long cumbersome blog about every single piece, let’s focus on a single aspect that is very important to any marketing strategy – landing pages.

Some may think that a landing page is a homepage, but it isn’t. Your homepage is the beginning of your business, where you can introduce yourself and your services, a landing page is a diversion that will lead to potential sales bypassing the introduction completely. Here are some reasons why utilizing these pages is important:

Conversions. The entire point of having a website is to convert folks into sales. Landing pages direct visitors to the exact content you are focusing on, making it easier for them to want to buy.

Lead generation. Chances are, your homepage has a lot of content as you explain your services. Landing pages give a visitor direct contact with certain areas, making it easier to not only gather leads for further marketing purposes, but can collect demographic data to focus on in the future.

SEO value. Visitors aren’t exact apt to flip through page after page of content on a site. Having more simplistic, direct landing pages will make your ranking on search engines skyrocket.

Give offers a home. One of the best ways to create a successful business is to incentivize your clientele to use your services or buy your products. The problem is, finding a spot on your already busy website to advertise these offers. Landing pages are a direct line to said incentives.

For more information contact Jelly Websites at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at

Why You Must Have a Mobile Friendly Website | Web Design Orange County

If you go out for a walk on a typical afternoon these days, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who’s not busy doing something on their phone. Just as computers were in vogue years ago, smartphones and other mobile devices have become the go-to gadget today’s audience, especially when it comes to accessing the internet. And, with the number of mobile users only projected to grow, you’re basically losing customers simply for not having a mobile-friendly website.  

What Makes a Website Mobile-Friendly? 

The standard desktop website layout isn’t exactly useless. However, they just don’t render well on smartphones, tablets, and other like devices. That is unless they’re properly optimized to do so, which is where making a website mobile-friendly comes in.  

There are many things that can be done to make a website mobile friendly, but it typically includes: 

  • Making text larger and easier to read 
  • Emphasizing scrolling over clicking, making navigation easier for mobile users 
  • Bigger buttons and other page elements to make them more touch-friendly 
  • Better or faster loading times 

Why Is It So Important? 

It can be that your website takes too long to load. Or, it could also be that it’s hard to browse on a smartphone or tablet. But, whatever the reason is, so long as it makes browsing your website a chore, visitors are more likely to move along to a competitor. Not to mention that they may avoid recommending your services or product altogether – or in some cases, even leave negative or bad reviews – just because your website isn’t properly optimized for mobile users.  

To put simply, the main reason why it’s so important to have a mobile-friendly website is because not having one is a good way to lose customers. Take note: CUSTOMERS 

Of course, there are far more advantages to having a mobile-friendly website as well, including improved online and search visibility, increased chances of generating leads, and a better user experience overall.  

How To Check If Your Website Is Mobile-Friendly 

The fastest way to tell if your website is mobile-friendly is to visit it using a mobile device and check whether how the content and navigation scales on mobile screens. However, another and arguably better way is to use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test. All you need to do is enter the URL and Google will tell you if your site is mobile-friendly or not. If it passes – good for you. But, given that you’re reading this, chances are that it won’t pass, which means you should probably look into making your website more mobile-friendly as soon as possible.  

Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly Today! 

If you’re still using a standard website layout, there’s a huge chance that you’ve probably seen a decline in traffic and business. If not, well, just wait for a while and it will definitely happen. But, why wait? Would it not be a better idea to go mobile friendly before you start losing customers? 

Remember, while most people still do browse using their desktops or laptops, more and more are using their mobile phones to browse the internet. So, why don’t you just give them what they want? By doing so, you not only grab hold of the rapidly growing number of mobile users, but you also prevent your website from “disappearing” from search results.  

 If you are ready to make your website mobile friendly call Jelly Websites at 951-371-9327 or

5 Advantages of a Single Page Website | Website Developer Corona

Single page website designs, or more fancily known as parallax scrolling websites, have been the go-to design choice for many websites over the past few years. And, why not? The design, whose concept is to put all of the content in a long, single page, makes scrolling and browsing a much more convenient experience.  

If you happen to be one of those who’s interested about single page website layouts, but aren’t really sure whether it’s the right choice, here are 5 advantages of the design that should convince you that it is: 

  1. The layout gets a lot done with a little text – People these days prefer to get the gist of everything they read. Most really don’t have time to read through paragraph after paragraph, which makes a one-page website layout better suited to today’s audience. By putting multiple paragraphs all in one page, instead of putting a single paragraph on each page across multiple pages, the layout makes a more lasting and beefier impression. Also, by using horizontal background changes to make the transition from one topic to another easier, readers are almost always assured to have a better time scrolling the site.  
  1. Image galoreIt’s no secret that the proper utilization of images and videos are key to keeping audiences interested these days. And, it just happens that the one-page design excels in incorporating plenty of images, which helps keep visitors engaged while browsing through the site.  
  1. Scrolling just makes “sense” – Have you ever wondered why Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and many more websites utilize what they refer to as “infinite scrolling” to keep you on their platforms? Well, there’s a reason for that – it just plain works. Since scrolling is pretty much second nature to today’s audience, using a one-page design to take advantage of that fact is a no-brainer.  
  1. It’s great for mobile users – It’s a well-known fact that to get visitors you have to be where they’re at. And, these days, more and more people are accessing the Internet via their mobile phones and other like devices. It’s true that multiple-page website designs can be optimized to cater to the mobile audience. However, because users no longer have to click around on their screens just to find whatever information they need, one-page layouts simply offer a better and more convenient experience for mobile users; all they have to do is scroll down.  
  1. There’s less to manage and maintain – Lots of people want to have a website, it’s just that they don’t like the idea of having to maintain it all the time. And, while single-page websites still need maintenance, there’s just much less to maintain because it’s just a single page. Such websites are pretty much a one-time investment, requiring very minimal effort to maintain once it’s up.  

Regardless of whether you’re thinking of getting a website yourself, or you just want to update your layout, it will definitely be to your benefit to at least consider getting a single page website design.  

 For more information contact Jelly Websites at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at

Does Website Speed Impact SEO? | Corona, CA

woman typing on laptop and media icons fly off

The amount of time that it takes for your website to load can truly impact SEO. Your websites speed depends on many different factors. This can range from host design and optimization. As a matter of fact, loading time matters for both users and search engines. It’s a fact that many users are less likely to stay on a site that has slow loading time and I assure you that Google will penalize your site for loading to slowly.

Page Speed Matters to Google- Google wants to provide their users with the best experience possible, and if your site loads slowly it will affect your rating with Google. Google has been focusing on delivering the best user experience possible. Chances are that if your site loads faster, your business has better chances that viewer will remain on your page.

Page Speed Matters to Viewers- While page speed is important to Google, other search engines and for your rankings, it also impact user experience. It is not secret that positive user experience often leads to better conversions overall. There are many ways that a fast loading website creates good user experience.

  • If your business sells a products, having a fast loading page helps your visitors quickly understand what your company has to offer and complete the order forms.
  • If your website generates revenue due to the advertising of your content, a fast loading site can ensure that your visitors navigate through all of your webpages and can increase the total page views.

Efficient page speed relies on many different optimizations. If you’re ready to improve your overall website speed, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Anaheim, Irvine, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

Top Three Benefits Responsive Web Design | Corona, CA


Responsive websites are truly the future of web design. Now that people are using their smartphones or tablets to browse the internet. With that being said, no visitor wants to have to zoom in and out on their smartphone or tablet just to read text or to navigate your website. However, with a responsive website, your site will conform to the size of the screen of device being used by your visitors, making it much more user friendly experience. The following are four benefits of a responsive website:

Cost Effective- It’s a fact that responsive website design can drastically cut down the development time and cost, rather than spending extra time and resources building an entire separate mobile website. A responsive website enables you to optimize you businesses website to any type of device. With that being said, one website costs less than two.

Ensures Quality User Experience- When you browse a responsive website on a mobile device you won’t have to waste time zooming in and out to see the content. A responsive website automatically adjusts to the size of the screen of the device that you are using. It technically simplifies reading and the navigation drastically improves the usability for your viewers. According to Google, there is a 61% chance that users abandon websites that are difficult to browse, meaning you could lose potential customers to your competitors. Your businesses websites is your marketing tool and it is extremely important to optimize it. When providing quality user experience on every single device, you are on the right track to keep having visitors coming back.

Google Ranks Higher- Back in April, 2015 Google officially said that responsive design will affect overall search rankings. So why is Google so important? It’s because their mission statement is “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” This is exactly what responsive design offers: clean designs and user-friendly layouts. Not only do responsive websites provide the latter, they also provide a faster loading time and decreases bounce rates.

If you would like to get more information regarding responsive design, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Anaheim, Irvine, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.