How To Get Your Website Noticed | Prescott, AZ

It takes time to build an audience, and it also takes certain knowledge to accomplish the goal of driving traffic to your website in the first place. Here are the things to consider incorporating into your business strategy to get your website noticed.

Content Marketing- Content is key. One of the very best ways to get your website noticed is by getting your content seen by as many people as possible. Meaning that you should try to get on as many websites as possible. You want this content to drive visitors to your website, so be sure that the articles or blogs you produce are high-quality.

Social Media- You can use social media to help promote your website and get your business noticed. Social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are an ideal way to publicize your website or blogs. You can start by making business profiles on the largest social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, to help get your business noticed. It’s important that you stay consistent with posts or tweets and encourage sharing to help generate traffic to your website.

Professional Look- Incorporating flashy photos, background music and walls of text isn’t going to drive visitors to your website. As a matter of fact, it will do the exact opposite. It’s been said that it only takes 8 seconds for visitors to judge a website, so don’t waste your time trying to go all out. Simplicity is key, so be sure to take the time to make sure your website is visually pleasing and organized.

Partner Up- Find someone to partner up with that has similar content and exchange links. It’s essentially a cross-promotion. You can also design an eye-catching banner to place on your partner’s site, and in return, you can do the same for them. You can also produce a free WordPress page and include a link back to your website in the footer.

Start Blogging- It’s no mystery that search engines love fresh content. If you’re not updating your website regularly, the search engine crawlers won’t visit it very often. Unless you can update your website every day or every few days, the easiest way to produce fresh content is to start blogging or have a “news” page. You can use this to talk about your latest projects or to provide tips, among much more. Write about things that will attract your target audience.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize user experience for your website? Visit us online at jellywebsites,com or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!

What You Need for Organic Website Traffic | Prescott, AZ

Websites are the first thing you should consider investing in when you start your business. It allows potential and existing clients or customers to find, learn about and follow your growth. There are many ways to promote your business to generate clicks and views, but don’t expect your website to generate organic traffic without these essential components.

Search engine optimization. First and foremost, it’s imperative to optimize the copy with keywords. To generate organic web traffic, you should be taking advantage of certain words to make it at the top of search engines. What keywords will your target audience need to use in order to find you? To find out, simply give it a Google and incorporate relevant tags into as much of your website as possible so it can pick up on it later.

Blogging. The content you add to a blog is very useful for SEO, keeping your visitors informed, and ranking you higher in search results. Blogs are also great for your visitors, it encourages them to visit regularly to discover new and interesting tidbits they may find useful.

Keep it clean. Oversaturated websites are not only confusing to navigate but are likely to cause them to leave your site. Keep your webpage to be easy to navigate, and less cluttered in order to keep your audience’s attention.

Link to social media. Social media has become a necessity for everyday life. Linking your website to a variety of platforms will help your customer base find your website, becoming potential customers or clients. For instance, having a Facebook “Like” or “Share” button on your webpage allows your visitors to follow or share your business without having to navigate away from the site.

Interested in learning more? Visit us online at or call our team at 951.371.9327 today!

What You Must Do To Drive Website Traffic | Prescott, AZ

Website “traffic” refers to how many people are visiting your site. When you launch a website for your business, it takes time for it to populate online and generate views. If your new or existing website isn’t receiving the traffic you want, it may not quite be your fault. There are several ways to drive traffic to your business, it’s just a matter of knowing the tricks!

Blogging: Starting and maintaining a blog for your website is a great way to keep your site relevant online. A monthly blog allows you to keep your visitors updated on your business and add keywords to your site without cluttering it. It also makes returning to your website appealing, with fans tuning in for interesting tidbits every week.

Search Engine Optimization. A search engine, like Google, is how people find out what they want to know online. Optimizing your website to position itself higher on the results page of major search engines is paramount for your website. What keywords will you choose?

Social Media. Whether you realize it or not, your business can have a social media presence tailored to your niche. While the way to market your business can tap into multiple media streams, it likely you won’t use them all. Utilizing social media is an easy and free way to promote your enterprise.

Keep it Clean. Having a simple and easy-to-navigate website is proven to drive and retain visitors. Cluttered, overwhelming sites will distract visitors from your goals and ultimately reduce visitation to your site.

How traceable your website is online makes a big difference in how it works to promote your brand. These starting points will help get your website out there and building your business!

To learn more about website traffic, management and blogging to improve your website’s accessibility, contact Jelly Websites at 951.371.9327 or visit online at today.

Are You Building Your Customer Base Online? | Prescott, AZ

Businesses in the technological age have a lot of options when it comes to getting their name out there to build a customer base. While it may seem like you need to do it all, there are options and strategies that may work better for some enterprises than others. Here are a few means and considerations to keep in mind as you continue to grow your business and generate clientele.

Social Media. With millions of people are viewing content on various social media platforms every single day, it makes sense for your business to understand it’s media niche and create content. Generating content relevant to your business on appropriate channels can greatly expand your presence and connect you to potential clients.

Search Engine Optimization. Utilizing keywords that highlight your business, products or services online works to drive existing and potential clients back to your business is what SEO is all about. Optimizing the ease with which people can find your business with keywords will keep you at the top of major search engines, driving traffic and maintaining your position there.

Blogging. Blogging is a great way to keep people at the forefront of all things happening with your business. Utilizing SEO strategies throughout your website or other online channels is great, but a blog is an easy and current means of furthering your ability to be found. Around 350 words a post, blogs can easily be written to bring a voice to the brand and laden with searchable keywords that drive viewership to your site.

Keep it Simple. Your enterprise matters, and the way it presents to your clientele will make the difference between a new client and missed opportunity. Keeping your website clean, easy to navigate and written to provide relevant information, rather than fluff, will give you the advantage to competitors.

If you are ready to start building your customer base online, call us at 951.371.9327 or visit us at for more information.