A Few Things People Hate About Websites

Woman Using Tablet Computer On Sofa

I’m sure you’ve had the experience of landing on a website that either drives you bonkers with excessive pop-ups or slow loading times. Those are both experiences that most likely lead you tell eventually leave the website altogether.

There are many things that people hate about certain websites. Many of those things that can frustrate people and lead to them to navigating away from your website. To be sure you’re not one of the many websites people dislike I’ve complied a few things that people hate about websites:

Websites that are cluttered with cheesy or generic stock photos. Most know that using imagery is great for inbound marketing. However, when you land on page with a stock phone of what supposedly looks like your entire staff jumping in the air with joy at work, they can be thrown off. Because who’s really all that happy at work every day, and poses for a work picture that way. Come on.

Images are supposed to be used to help clarify something for your visitors, and generic stock photos won’t help visitors or your business at that. It’s much better to use real photos of your customers, team, location, and products. If you don’t have those, browse the internet for the best, non-cheesy stock photo websites.

Websites that contain a contact form, but no contact information. I’ve personally dealt with a site like recently. The website contained a “Contact Us” page, yet it only included an area where you leave your contact information till they get back to you. While there is nothing wrong with having a contact form, it should not be the only way of getting in contact with your business. If visitors, myself included, need help, they typically want it immediately.

Make it easy for people to get in contact with you via email, the phone and social media, and be sure to include that information on your website.

Your website contains keyword-stuffed copy. There was a time where you could go to website see paragraphs and paragraphs of copy. Not only was it overwhelming, but if you read the copy you’d find nothing but a lot of keywords meant for bots, not humans. While keywords are crucial in SEO success, Google will penalize you if your website if stuffed with keywords.

More importantly, keyword-stuffed copy on websites make for a bad reader experience. Instead of cramming a bunch of key words into your website, learn how to optimize keywords throughout your website or hire someone to do so for you.

Don’t make any of the mistakes mentioned above or your business may suffer in conversions and sales. These are only some of the few mistakes you can make with your website. If your website does have any of the mentioned web problems, you should get on top of properly optimizing it or hire someone to do so.

If you’re looking to improve your website or looking to acquire a new one, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 to get in touch today. Or visit www.jellywebsites.com for information regarding our web services.

Jelly Websites proudly serves Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

How You Can Increase Online Sales


Are you looking for ways to increase your online sales? As most people know, there are some strategies that are effective but steady, long-term methods. While other strategies can be fast, simple changes that can be made in your digital marketing.

For some, it can be difficult to choose which of the two strategies will work best for their company. It’s best to take a look at several and try them out. Sometimes, it’s takes some trial and error to find the right strategy that suits your company best.

The following are two ways you can increase online sales for your business:

  • Be Focused and Have a Target

Some of the quicker methods involve strategies such as simplifying your website and your online marketing goals. For instance, narrowing down you online advertising to one main goal -like more conversions or click-throughs- can help you by figuring out where you should be focusing your valuable time and money.  When you advertise a large amount of products or services all at once it can confuse and distract your visitors, which won’t leave a good impression.

You should be sure to focus on your most popular or successful products or services to catch their interest, and provide additional content elsewhere on your website. Furthermore, once your visitor catches interest in a specific product or service, be sure to make it easy for them to access it by including easy navigation.

Furthermore, if your visitors are navigating their way through your website on a mobile devices, you should make sure your website is mobile-friendly. Not only will having a mobile-friendly website be much easier for your visitors, it will leave a good impression of your business. It helps to have more imagery and visuals for those that are using a mobile device to view your website. Including photos of your products or services can increase your visitors trust and interest.

  • Spend Your Money Wisely

While accessing your company’s website is extremely helpful, there are other aspects of online marketing that can improve your online sales. First off, you should begin by figuring out where and when to spend your money. Educate yourself about where you can afford to use free or cheap software, and where to hire an online marketing professional. Aspects such as your website design, company logo and SEO should be handled by a professional. Do not let your selling points appear to be cheap or quickly put together, this will only push away potential customers.

Whether you choose to acquire the help of a professional or expert to optimize your website and companies look, or you choose to focus on selling a specific product or services, your online sales can only go up from there.

For more information regarding online sales, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit www.jellywebsites.com for additional information.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

8 Tips for Creating a Great Website Footer


Often time’s people tend to forget about the importance of their websites footer. The footer of your website is one of the most important locations on your webpage. Although this area of your website may not be designed impressively, your visitors look for the footer in search of important information. It’s vital that you don’t neglect your footer when planning for a web design project.

So, what elements should you incorporate in your footer? How can you go about keeping your footer organized and seamless without over designing? The following tips include ways to create a great footer without it being obtrusive:

  1. Keep It Clean- When dealing with lots of information, you must make the design simple. This way it’s easy for your visitors to find the information they’re seeking and extract it efficiently as they need. Make sure your design has purpose, fresh content and clean spacing.
  2. Provide Links- Two of the most important links on your website are “Contact Us” and “About Us”. When visitors land on your webpage they typically want to know more about your company and its members. So, your footer must be linked to these pages to provide the best service.
  3. Basic Contact Info- Besides including “Contact Us” into your footer, you can add your contact information, like your physical address, emails address and phone number. Try including an icon that offers auto dial, emailing or a site map with your location.
  4. Arrange by Importance- The footer should contain some sort of hierarchy of the elements within the area. Your information should be divided in columns or rows and arranged by relevant important information like contact information, social media, links, etc.
  5. Include Copyright Notice- Including a Copyright Notice is extremely important to your security and can save you from facing many problems. You can copyright your work by including a copyright notice. This statement includes the copyright symbol, name of the copyright owner, and the year it was created.
  6. Include Call To Action- All of the best website design include a call to action, and many businesses find that including one last call to action in your footer can be the extra nudge your visitors need to sign up for newsletters, subscribe to blogs, or to send an email requesting a quote. Make sure to keep your footers call to action brief and straight to-the-point.
  7. Contrast and Readability- Your footer is typically small in size and much of your info is kept in that small block. That being said, you must make sure to balance the background and contrast of the text to make it readable. Also, color, brightness and contrast must be taken into consideration.
  8. Use Graphic Elements- Many times footers are just block of text. Add logos or graphic elements for added visual interest, but be careful not to overdo the small space with too many elements. So rather than spelling out “Follow me on Facebook/Twitter” include icons for these outlets.

Your footer is an extremely important part of your web design. Make sure you include the right mix of information, design elements and usability to get the most out of your footer in every web design project.

If you’re ready to take your company to the next level with a beautiful website, call Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at www.jellywebsites.com to learn about the services we offer.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Anaheim, Irvine, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

5 Ways to Overcome Creative Blocks | Web Design


We all hit creative blocks once in a while, its completely normal. Even the most creative people hit a stand still now and then. And as agitating as creative blocks are, they are unfortunately a part of the creative process. When you find yourself hitting a creative block, rather than taking a break assuming a spark a brilliance will appear out of thin air, try rebooting your creative thinking. The following tips are here to help get those creative juices of yours flowing again:

  • Seek Input- When you feel stuck with your design or a certain idea, try asking for others their opinions. Even if you don’t use your friends or coworkers suggestions, it may spark a new way of thinking, helping you look at your work from a different perspective.
  • Exercise or Take a Walk- There have been studies that have shown that regular exercise enhances creativity. If you’re not fond of exercising, even the act of taking a walk can help boost creativity. No matter what sort of exercise you choose it allows for you to access fresh ideas from your subconscious.
  • Write or Sketch by Hand- Hitting a creative block doesn’t mean you’ve stopped being creative. Your mind is constantly running, from the moment you wake up, to the moment you fall asleep. It’s just a matter of capturing that great idea. Try keeping a journal on you at all times and write or sketch whatever is on your mind.
  • Listen to Music- It’s been proven that music helps boost creativity. No, and not only Mozart. You must listen to music you like, it will put you in what is called “mind-wandering mode”. Mind-wondering is an excellent way of capturing new ideas. Matching music to your mood at the moment is key.
  • Rearrange Your Workspace- If your office or workspace is not helpful to your creativity, it may be time to rearrange your surroundings so they stimulate and motivate you to be more productive. Changing up your workspace could be as simple as decorating with new photos, artwork, plants or even favorite quotes. Add anything that inspires you.

Remember we all hit creative blocks, but that doesn’t mean our creativity has ceased to exist. It just means that’s we need to take step back and take a look at our work from a different perspective to ignite fresh ideas. Don’t be afraid to try new things to help refresh your creative visions.

For information regarding web design, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at www.jellywebsites.com to learn more about our services.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Anaheim, Irvine, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Web Design | Web Design


It takes more than an extravagant web design to make your website a success. You must also take usability into consideration, as your site is built for your visitors and not yourself. Even some of the most experienced designers make some of these common mistakes, but learning from your mistakes is vital to your long-term success. The following includes 7 of the most common mistakes web developers and web designer’s make:

No Consistency- When it comes to designing multiple pages for a website, it’s best to keep it simple. For example, visitors expect to see the same colors, fonts, logos, and navigation tabs on every page of a website. If your page design is inconsistent you visitor may become confused and wonder if their on the same website.

Confusing Navigation- I’m sure we’ve all had the experience of clicking onto a webpage and being immediately confused by the layout and navigation. Your visitors want to explore your website at ease, and when your websites navigation is too discreet or completely hidden visitors are likely to get frustrated. It’s best to remember the three-click rule; all of your important content should be accessible within no more than three clicks from your homepage.

Irrelevant/Outdated Content- Think less is more when it comes to your websites content. Making sure your websites content is up to date should be a part of your regular website maintenance. When you leave outdated content on your website it looks unprofessional. Say your last blog was posted in 2011, this may make visitors think your site has been abandoned and therefore they won’t return.

Poor Readability and Legibility- Visitors come to your website in search of information, so making sure they can read it is extremely vital. Make sure to use easy to read color schemes because using the wrong color combination can make reading more difficult for your visitors. Also, limit yourself to no more than three different fonts and font sizes.

Non-Responsive Design- In this day and age most web browsing is done on mobile devices, yet some web designers still don’t take this into consideration when designing websites. Your website should be mobile friendly to enhance its usability. Visitors don’t want to have to zoom in on their mobile devices just to make out the content on your website.

When it comes to web design and its usability, it’s best to think from your visitor’s point of view. So make sure to steer clear of the common web design mistakes mentioned above. For more information regarding web design, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at www.jellywebsites.com.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Anaheim, Irvine, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

What Makes a Great Homepage? | Custom Web Design Corona, CA


Most of us judge a book by its cover, and it’s no different when visiting your homepage. Your homepage is essentially the first impression your visitors get of your business, and you want to make a great first impression, right? There are many aspects that make a great homepage, and it usually comes down to the basics. Read on to learn what it takes to take your homepage from drab to fab.

  • Clear Answers- When someone lands on your page it’s generally because they are seeking something of interest or because they’re looking for some sort of assistance. Your homepage must provide clears answers such as, who you are, what you do, and what you can do for them (the visitor) so your visitor knows they’re in the correct place. Most people often scan a page for bulleted items and short paragraphs.
  • Clean Design- You may think you have the best design out there with all of those flashy photos and music, but in all reality this is probably just slowing your page down and distracting your visitor from getting the information they are seeking. Make sure to effectively utilize white space, color scheme, and font appropriately.
  • Periodic Changes- When a website updates its services or products it can draw visitors back. Some of the best homepages are constantly changing by reflecting on the visitor’s needs, wants or questions.
  • Value- You want to entice your visitors to stick around. Provide them with value and share what makes your business different from your competitors. Make sure to use original content and credible information to set yourself apart.
  • Call to Action- If you want to encourage your visitor to “dig a little deeper” you must incorporate a CTA (call-to-action). Your CTA should lead your visitors to take the next logical step. For example; “Learn More,” “Free Trial,” or “Buy Now” You may need to have a secondary CTA or try different CTA placements.

For more information regarding custom web design, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at www.jellywebsites.com.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Irvine, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.


4 Ways to Make Your Website Stand Out | Web Design Corona, CA


We all want our websites to stand out among our competition, we don’t want our website to simply blend in with the rest. If you are ultimately following your competition you’ll always be step behind in design. Fortunately, there are a few simple changes you can make to transform your entire website from drab to fab! These flowing tips can help create a stunning, memorable website:

  • Simple to Understand- People don’t typically read websites- they quickly skim them. Make sure the content is easy to understand so that your visitors will be able to find what they’re looking for in a timely manner.
  • Large Images- By using large images you are able to capture your visitor’s attention instantly. Use full screen images with little text (ideally 2-3 words). The type of image you choose is just as important as the images resolution. Make sure it’s interesting, relates to your company and is also beautiful.
  • Typography- Using large fonts is a growing trend that doesn’t seem to be fading anytime soon. The objective of using larger font is so your visitors don’t have to read as much, while still getting your message across to them. The idea is to focus on your message and but down the words to display them in a big beautiful font.
  • Responsive Design- Now that most searches are done mobile devices it’s extremely important to make sure that your website can convert to any size screen. A responsive site adapts to the screen of any device your visitors may be using, which will make for a much for user friendly experience.

Establishing a stunning, memorable website is no easy task but with a determination and creativity you can achieve it! Don’t go on being in the shadow of your competition, get a little risky with your design.

If you’re ready for the website of your dreams, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at www.jellywebsites.com for more information.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Irvine, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton, and all surrounding areas.

3 Reasons to Redesign Your Website | Web Design Corona, CA

Web design trends are changing every single day and they’re changing quickly, so it’s extremely important for your website to stay current and up to date with all of the changes going on in the world of web design. In this day of age your website is the face of your business and most of the time it’s your visitor’s first impression of you as well. From a bias opinion you might think your website is spectacular which will make it tough knowing when it’s time for a redesign. It’s important to keep in mind that redesigning your website could only require a few changes to produce the results you’re expecting.

The following are a few reasons your company may be in need of a redesign:

  • Brand Has Changed- If your businesses services, products, or purpose have changed over the years, so should your branding. You site should reflect what your business offers whether you’ve increased or reduced what you’re offering. Don’t let your website mislead a potential customer.
  • Outdated Website- Like I mentioned above, your website is your visitor’s first impression of your business. There has been research that has shown that it only takes about 8 seconds for a person to judge your site, and if you have a terrible and unsightly design I guarantee visitors won’t be returning.
  • Not Mobile Friendly- Now that mobile devices have become increasing popular for everyday use to browse the internet, it’s extremely important that you either have a responsive or separate mobile site. It’s almost impossible to make a website compatible across all devices, but if you have no compatibility it will be a large disadvantage.

For more information regarding website design, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at www.jellywebsites.com.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino Ontario, Irvine, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton, and all surrounding areas.

Does Your Website Make a Good First Impression? | Web Design Corona, CA


When a visitor lands on your websites home page are they immediately impressed or thrown off by your content? Is your visitor able to determine what it is you do, and what you can offer them? If your home page is poorly designed with crazy colors, confusing text or is completely bombarded by music and/or video I guarantee it will not be making a very great first impression. You want to provide your visitor with a seamless and user friendly experience if you want them to think about returning to your website. The following points provide you with a few simple ways to make sure your website is making a great first impression:

  • Provide Clear Answers- When a visitor lands on your homepage they are usually in search of product, seeking information or looking for some sort of assistance. Your homepage must be able to clearly identify who you are and what you do to assure your visitors they are on the right webpage. People often scan for short paragraphs and bulleted items so try incorporating that into your site.
  • Provide Simple Navigation- Simple navigation is key, no one likes to get lost or confused when entering a website. Make sure your navigation bar is visible and easy to locate so your visitors are able to explore your page at ease.
  • Provide Value- Make sure to point out why your company is different and unique from your competitors, while making it simple to read and understand. Try incorporating original and credible content such as testimonials from happy customers or clients.
  • Provide Clean Design- You may think that if your page is full of flashy photos, video or music it will attract more visitors, but the fact is this sort of content actually drives most visitors away. Not only is this a distraction to your visitors but it also can slow down you’re a websites loading time. Make sure to effectively utilize white space, colors and fonts appropriately.
  • Provide Occasional Changes- When a website remains entirely the same visitors will have no real reason to return to your website. You want to make sure to provide periodic updates to create evergreen content. In simpler terms, stay current.

Keep in mind that first impressions last a lifetime, so if you want people to continue to visit your website you must make that first impression count.

For more information regarding web design, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit our website at www.jellywebsites.com.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Irvine, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton, and all surrounding areas.

6 Simple Steps to Capture Your Visitors Attention | Web Design Corona, CA


Studies have shown that your average visitor will stay on your website for approximately eight seconds or less. Yup, only eight seconds. With the fast pace speed of the internet these days most people have evolved to judge a website within those 8 seconds. You know what that means right? You must be able to capture your visitor’s attention before they click that back button.

You want your visitors to understand what your website and company are about within a fraction of a minute. These next few tips will help you capture your visitor’s attention, and ultimately keep them on your website.

  • Keep it Quick- You want to grab your visitor’s attention as soon as they click onto your site, make sure to illustrate exactly what you want your visitor to know in a short informative paragraph. Try to come up with a catchy and effective about your company or the products to help draw your visitor in and to make them stick around. If there is something you want your visitor to check out, make sure to place it at the top of the page.
  • Quick Loading Time- To captures ones attention in less than eight seconds means your website must load in less than that time. When a website loads slowly it’s a big turn off to potential visitors. If you are worried about load time, try resizing pictures you may have on your site. GIFs can also slow a website down, so try minimizing them to quick files that don’t take up much space. Make sure you also have a reliable host.
  • Make it Attractive- If you have a webpage that isn’t visually pleasing most people won’t stick around for long. Landing pages are actually great to capture attention since it’s just one page to display your idea or product. If you do choose to have a landing page make sure it matches the rest of your website so you don’t confuse your visitors.
  • Easy Read- When it comes to reading sites most people prefer to read a short amount of text rather than a huge paragraph. If you do have a lot to say then try eye-catching headlines that lead to longer articles where they can read more if they like. Also, try bullet points on your front page to make points, like what you and your business value most.
  • Safety and Statistics- People like to feel secure about your company or what they want to purchase, so be sure to provide your visitors with statistics. Not the boring, plain and simple kind. Try colorful charts, percentages, or things that make them feel safe. You can also use testimonials, customer reviews and security logos to help make them feel better about your business and website.
  • Mobile and Tablet Friendly- Make sure to optimize your site so that it will be compatible with a mobile device or tablet is an incredibly smart decision. Now that most internet browsing is done on mobile devices or tablets it is very important for your site to load quickly and reliably.

If you’re ready for website to start capturing more attention, contact Jelly Websites in Corona, CA at 951-371-9327 or visit our website www.jellywebsites.com for more information.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Chino, Ontario, Irvine, Tustin, Yorba Linda, Fullerton and all surrounding areas.